2018年6月30日 星期六



It’s the only place to find this beef in the U.S.

A $185 Wagyu Steak Sandwich Is Wall Street’s Newest Hot Commodity

Wagyu - Wikipedia

Wagyu (和牛, Wagyū, "Japanese cow") is any of four Japanese breeds of beef cattle. In several areas of Japan, wagyu beef is shipped carrying area names. Some examples are Matsusaka beef, Kobe beef, Yonezawa beef, Mishima beef, Ōmi ...

Social credit, Social Credit System;中國利用社會信用體系控制外企

Social credit - Wikipedia

Social credit is an interdisciplinary distributive philosophy developed by C. H. Douglas (1879–1952), a British engineer who published a book by that name in 1924. It encompasses economics, political science, history, and accounting.

Social Credit System - Wikipedia

The Social Credit System is a proposed Chinese government initiative for developing a national reputation system. It has been reported to be intended to assign a "social credit" rating to every citizen based on government data regarding their ...





2018年6月29日 星期五

Floppy disks? Fax machines? Beanie Babies? Beepers? Or Blockbuster?

In a video message to President Donald J. Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger mocks his attempts to "rescue the coal industry" and asks what he'll bring back next. "Floppy disks? Fax machines? Beanie Babies? Beepers? Or Blockbuster?" https://cnn.it/2MwcHzl

Beanie Babies - Wikipedia

Beanie Babies are a line of stuffed animal plush toys created by Ty Warner, who founded Ty Inc.. The toys are stuffed with plastic pellets ("beans") rather than conventional soft stuffing (PVC and PE), givingBeanie Babies a flexible feel.
豆豆娃Beanie Babies,也常稱為豆豆公仔)是一種使用豆狀PVC(聚氯乙烯)材料作為填充物的絨毛玩具,最早是由美國人哈洛德·泰·華納(Harold Ty Warner)與他所創設的Ty公司(Ty Inc.)發明生產,並且在1996年尾開始在歐美地區掀起一股非常驚人的收藏、交易與炒作旋風。雖然華納宣稱他擁有「Beanie Babies」的名稱權利與這類內填豆粒玩偶的技術專利,但仍然阻止不了坊間陸續出現的許多仿效或甚至仿冒豆豆娃而做出的玩偶商品。

Sorry, Collectors, Nobody Wants Your Beanie Babies Anymore - WSJ

https://www.wsj.com/.../sorry-collectors-nobody-wants-your-beanie-... -
2018/02/21 - Someone had left behind dozens of Beanie Babies in a box in the basement. Clubbie Beanie Baby. The 28-year-old took to eBay , Reddit and Instagram, and concluded the small stuffed animals, a craze from the 1990s, will ...


Because space is the new frontier, we will have a SPACE FORCE!

human capital 人力資本

Because of the filters of caste, class and a fiercely competitive education system, only those with above average financial and human capital get the chance to move to America


Analysing Indians' success in America
From the archive

human capital 重要的經濟學術語
Wikipedia 英文版有還可以的說明:

根據Oxford Sociology Dictionary,"human-capital theory"則有點惡名。

人力資本英語:Human capital),指人的知識、經驗、制度與習慣等。人力資本分成個人與社會兩個方面,具備這些資本的勞工,擁有更高的生產能力,可以將這些資本轉換成經濟價值。人力資本可以經過教育投資手段來增長。

2018年6月28日 星期四


Belgian art dealer Isy Brachot coined the French word Hyperréalisme, meaning Hyperrealism, as the title of a major exhibition and catalogue at his gallery in Brussels in 1973.



莫羅·大衛(Mauro David)創作的一幅超級寫實主義作品《水晶盤上的甜瓜》
法語術語「Hyperréalisme」由Isy Brachot創建於1973年。它是當年在他位於比利時布魯塞爾的畫廊的一個主要的展覽的標題。該展覽主要是由美國照相寫實主義畫家組成,包括拉爾夫·戈因斯Ralph Goings)、查克·克洛斯Chuck Close)、唐埃迪Don Eddy)、羅伯特·貝克特爾Robert Bechtle)和理察·麥克萊恩Richard McLean)。它還包括一些有影響力的歐洲藝術家。自此以來,「Hyperealisme」被歐洲藝術家和經銷商用於形容受照相寫實主義畫家影響的畫家。......

2018年6月27日 星期三

Boom plane

By the end of the year, the small, new Boom plane could start to change the transoceanic flight game
Flights Could Be Getting Much Shorter

Boom Technology - Wikipedia

Boom Technology is an American startup company designing a Mach 2.2 (1,300 kn; 2,300 km/h) 55-passenger supersonic transport with 4,500 ... The Boom factory will be sized to assemble up to 100aircraft per year for a 1,000 to 2,000 aircraft potential market over 10 years. Boom targets $5,000 fares for a New York to ...
History · ‎Airliner · ‎Market · ‎Design


因爲譚中教授的博士論文涉及的是西方帝國主義對中國的侵略,所以他就從1971年開始在德里大學歷史系開了一門 China & Imperialism 的課,1978年他離開德里大學但課程沒人教,他又繼續去教了一年。後來他沒有機會再教這門課了,就把多年的講義修改編成《海神與龍》一書出版。譚教授在書中指出英國在印度的殖民政府從東印度公司時期開始設有一個「海關、食鹽、鴉片部」(Board of Customs, salt and opium),鴉片部便是負責在印度種植、製造鴉片的研究,針對中國人的口味(煙土一扳開就發出一種中國煙民喜歡的香味,當時中國煙民稱東印度公司製造的煙土「公班土」為「烏香」)。譚教授進一步指出,英國是現代文明的先鋒,其在殖民地設立鴉片部,將鴉片賣到中國而毒害中國人,遠比奴隸貿易還恐怖,因為奴隸貿易不殺害人命。於是英國的財富原始積累過程,實際上可說是不是自由貿易而來,而是透過鴉片帝國主義。譚教授說,所謂「東印度公司」實際上一開始就把掠奪中國財富包括在其宗旨中的。東印度公司墻上的銅牌刻字說要「pour the wealth of India and China before the feet of the Crown」,東印度公司的遠洋船(叫作“East Indiaman”),它的航行最終目的地是中國海岸,這“East Indiaman”是世界上火力最強的強盜船,看到外國船就打信號要其投降,不然就把它擊沉,投降了就把外國船洗劫一空。每一次東印度的船在海上都是滿載而歸,很多財富都是這樣搶來的。譚教授的英國、印度、中國的三角貿易理論受到廣泛的欣賞。中國把茶葉輸給英國,英國沒銀子去買,就把鴉片輸給中國,東印度公司自己在加爾各答拍賣鴉片,賣了以後送到廣州,在廣州交錢,把錢交給廣州的東印度公司。英國給予印度的只是殖民政府統治(譚教授說的三角貿易平衡的公式是:“Chinese tea for Britons, Indian opium for Chinese, British Raj for Indians”)。孫中山曾經針對這種情形,說過「沒有印度,英國就是第三流的國家」的話。英國在廣州茶葉貿易上也採取帝國主義態度,把壟斷者打垮以後壟斷了中國茶葉出口,這就是monopsony(monopoly是賣家壟斷,monopsony是買家壟斷),英國把中國茶葉都壟斷起來不讓其他國家買,而由英國自己賣給全世界,對茶葉的壟斷也是導致美國獨立的原因,波士頓茶葉事件便是美國獨立運動的開端。

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In economics, a monopsony (from Ancient Greek μόνος (mónos) "single" + ὀψωνία (opsōnía) "purchase") is a market structure in which only one buyer interacts with many would-be sellers of a particular product. In the microeconomic theory of monopsony, a single entity is assumed to have market power over terms of offer to its sellers, as the only purchaser of a good or service, much in the same manner that a monopolist can influence the price for its buyers in a monopoly, in which only one seller faces many buyers.
The most commonly researched or discussed monopsony context is that with a single buyer of labor in the labor market. In addition to its use in microeconomic theory, monopsony and monopsonist are descriptive terms often used to describe a market where a single buyer substantially controls the market as the major purchaser of goods and services.

買方壟斷英語:Monopsony),也稱獨買買方獨佔,經濟學術語,指在一個市場上只存在一個買者而有許多賣者的情況。由此形成的市場稱為買方壟斷市場,該市場上的購買量由買方的邊際價值和邊際費用決定。這個術語由英國經濟學家瓊·羅賓遜Joan Violet Robinson)在1933年的著作《不完全競爭經濟學》(The Economics of Imperfect Competition)中提出,作為一種不完全競爭的狀況,但在現實中不常見。


The term was first introduced by Joan Robinson in her influential[2] book, The Economics of Imperfect Competition, published in 1933. Robinson credited classics scholar Bertrand Hallward at the University of Cambridge with coining the term.[3]

2018年6月26日 星期二

The Age Of The Selfie. Goa brings in 'no-selfie zones' on coast after spate of deaths

The Guardian
1 小時
"The survey found there were more than 127 reported deaths worldwide from selfies in 2014 and 2015 – most related to heights, vehicles or water. Of those, 76 deaths occurred in India."

So what’s the problem with taking selfies with kids you’re helping as a volunteer in a poor country? A new animated guide spells it out.

You may think it's a noble idea to photograph yourself helping poor children in a faraway country. A new campaign has a different perspective.
🔊 Listen: The Hidden Brain talks about the rise of "me" culture and what it means for society.

Shankar talks with psychologist Jean Twenge about narcissism, millennials,…

• The Face of Britain by Simon Schama, from which this edited extract has been taken, is published by Viking. A BBC2 series based on the book begins on 30 September and an exhibition runs at the National Portrait Gallery, London WC2, from 16 September to 4 January.

From his precious cigarette card collection, to first locking eyes with his baby daughter, to responding to the age of the selfie, the renowned historian has always been fascinated by faces and how they are depicted. But how to…





根 據美聯社的報導,隨著行動裝置普及與即時通訊軟體推特(Twitter)或Instagram的推波助瀾,連美國第一夫人蜜雪兒(Michelle Obama)與下屆美國總統熱門人選的希拉蕊(Hillary Clinton)都無法抗拒今年這股自拍的風潮,因此「自拍」當選牛津字典2013年度風雲單字,受之無愧。