2019年3月27日 星期三

Manchurian Candidate

The Manchurian Candidate is a novel by Richard Condon, first published in 1959. It is a political thriller about the son of a prominent U.S. political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy. Wikipedia
Originally publishedApril 27, 1959
Page count311
GenresThriller, Suspense, Political fiction

每日一詞 :“滿洲候選人”與美國的冷戰記憶
穆勒的報告已經得出結論:特朗普在大選期間並未與俄羅斯串謀。時報專欄作者Farhad Manjoo在《 “通俄”讓我們忽視了美國根本的弱點 》一文中對涉俄調查和美國製度的結構性問題作出反思:“其中沒有串謀。總統不是滿洲候選人( Manchurian candidate )。我們也不能把一切都歸咎於弗拉基米爾·普京。”
《滿洲候選人》(The Manchurian Candidate)是一部1959年的政治驚悚小說。冷戰時期,一名被俘的美軍士兵在被關押在“滿洲”地區,並被中蘇諜報人員洗腦成殺手。當他看到撲克牌中的方片Q,就會在喪失意識的情況下淪為傀儡,執行任何使命。朝鮮戰爭後,美國人對共產主義的滲透顛覆心懷恐懼,相信意志操縱術真能把人變成無知覺的傀儡,幹出可怕的事。
《滿洲候選人》這部小說抓住了美國人對冷戰和洗腦的焦慮,被兩度改編為電影。 “滿洲候選人”這個詞在美國的政治文化里紮下了根,被用來指那些背景可疑,似乎與境外勢力關係曖昧、圖謀不軌的政客。

2019年3月17日 星期日


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

なお、「人間居住」に相当する一般的な英対訳は「Human settlement」だが、学術的には「Ekistics」を用いる。これは「土着」を意味する「Ecesis」とギリシア語での植民地を意味する「οἰκιστής」を引用した「Oikistes」を合わせた造語になる。
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Ekistics concerns the science of human settlements,[1][2] including regional, city, community planning and dwelling design. The study involves every kind of human settlement, with particular attention to geographyecology, human psychologyanthropologyculturepolitics, and occasionally aesthetics.
As a scientific mode of study, ekistics currently relies on statistics and description, organized in five ekistic elements or principles: nature, anthropos, society, shells, and networks. It is generally a more scientific field than urban planning, and has considerable overlap with some of the less restrained fields of architectural theory.
In application, conclusions are drawn aimed at achieving harmony between the inhabitants of a settlement and their physical and socio-cultural environments.[3]


The term 'ekistics' was coined by Constantinos Apostolos Doxiadis in 1942. The word is derived from the Greekadjective οἰκιστικός more particularly from the neuter plural οἰκιστικά. The ancient Greek adjective οἰκιστικός meant: "concerning the foundation of a house, a habitation, a city or colony; contributing to the settling." It was derived from οἰκιστής (oikistēs), an ancient Greek noun meaning "the person who installs settlers in place". This may be regarded as deriving indirectly from another ancient Greek noun, οἴκισις (oikisis), meaning "building", "housing", "habitation", and especially "establishment of a colony, a settlement , or a town" (already in Plato), or "filling with new settlers", settling", "being settled". All these words grew from the verb οἰκίζω (oikizō), to settle and were ultimately derived from the noun οἶκος (oikos), "house", "home" or "habitat".
The shorter Oxford English Dictionary contains a reference to an ecist, oekist or oikist]], defining him as: "the founder of an ancient Greek ... colony". The English equivalent of oikistikē is ekistics (a noun). In addition, the adjectives ekistic and ekistical, the adverb ekistically, and the noun ekistician are now also in current use. The French equivalent is ékistique, the German oekistik, the Italian echistica (all feminine).


In terms of outdoor recreation, the term ekistic relationship is used to describe one's relationship with the natural world and how they view the resources with in it.
The notion of ekistics implies that understanding the interaction between and within human groups—infrastructure, agriculture, shelter, function (job) -- in conjunction with their environment directly affects their well-being (individual and collective). The subject begins to elucidate the ways in which collective settlements form and how they inter-relate. By doing so, humans begin to understand how they 'fit' into a species, i.e. Homo sapiens, and how Homo sapiens 'should' be living in order to manifest our potential—at least as far as this species is concerned (as the text stands now). Ekistics in some cases argues that in order for human settlements to expand efficiently and economically we must reorganize the way in which the villages, towns, cities, metropoli are formed.
As Doxiadis put it “Ekistics is a science, even if in our times it is usually considered a technology and an art, without the foundations of a science. This is a mistake for which we pay very heavily.” Having recorded very successfully the destructions of the ekistic wealth in Greece during WWII, Doxiadis became convinced that human settlements are subjectable to systematic investigation. Doxiadis being aware of the unifying power of systems thinking and particularly of the biological and evolutionary reference models as used by many famous biologists-philosophers of his generation, especially Sir Julian Huxley (1887–1975), Theodosius Dobzhansky (1900–75), Dennis Gabor (1900–79), René Dubos (1901–82), George G. Simpson (1902–84), and Conrad Waddington(1905–75), used the biological model to describe the "Ekistic behavior" of Anthropos (the five principles) and the evolutionary model to explain the morphogenesis of human settlements (the eleven forces, the hierarchical structure of human settlements, dynapolis, ecumenopolis). Finally, he formulated a general theory which considers human settlements as living organisms capable of evolution, an evolution that might be guided by Man using "Ekistic knowledge".

Ekistic units[edit]

Doxiadis believed that the conclusion from biological and social experience was clear: to avoid chaos we must organize our system of life from Anthropos (individual) to Ecumenopolis (global city) in hierarchical levels, represented by human settlements. So he articulated a general hierarchical scale with fifteen levels of Ekistic Units:[1][4]

2019年3月12日 星期二

photo op

The second round of Brexit negotiations began in Brussels with an awkward photo opportunity.




Photo-op |總統“作秀”時間到
時報攝影師道格·米爾斯報導白宮新聞超過30年 。 “特金會”、總統的各式行程、第一夫人出訪......他的鏡頭記錄了美國政壇的大小時刻。在他來看,特朗普是他拍攝過最有代表性的總統。
和過去任何一任總統比起來,攝影師們擁有比以往更多的機會接近特朗普。米爾斯說,媒體拍照的時間要多得多(We're in photo ops much longer)——因為特朗普知道推動新聞傳播的力量,而要做到這一點,他必須將自己曝光在閃光燈面前。
Photo op是photo opportunity的簡稱,一般被譯為“給媒體拍照的機會”。但它所蘊含的不只是中性的拍照、合影等意思,一些情況下,還帶有一種作秀與炫耀意味。時報專欄作家在質疑新加坡峰會成果時就曾問道:這只是“一名陰險的暴食者和他的朝鮮對手被媒體拍照的機會而已”?

photo op (sometimes written as photo opp), short for photograph opportunity (photo opportunity), is an arranged opportunity to take a photograph of a politician, a celebrity, or a notable event. The term was coined by the administration of US President Richard Nixon.

Photo op - Wikipedia


2019年3月6日 星期三


VIDEO: Why Microwaved Grapes Explode!
For 20 years, people have been putting grapes in the microwave to watch them explode. But there is some real science behind this internet phenomenon.