2019年6月30日 星期日

Zen ,Chán 禪

從Wikipedia 的Zen*,可知約19世紀葉,從日本傳美國。

The Times Literary Supplement 寫 鈴木大拙 

Daisetsu Teitaro SuzukiEssays in Zen Buddhism: First Series (1927), New York: Grove Press.寫"一長句"之書評。


Chinese name
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Vietnamese name
Korean name
Japanese name
Sanskrit name
Sanskritध्यान (dhyāna)
Zen (ChinesepinyinChánKoreanromanizedSeon

這段缺鈴木大拙 Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki,有點疏忽

Zen in the West[edit]

Although it is difficult to trace the precise moment when the West first became aware of Zen as a distinct form of Buddhism, the visit of Soyen Shaku, a Japanese Zen monk, to Chicago during the World Parliament of Religions in 1893 is often pointed to as an event that enhanced the profile of Zen in the Western world. It was during the late 1950s and the early 1960s that the number of Westerners other than the descendants of Asian immigrants who were pursuing a serious interest in Zen began to reach a significant level. Japanese Zenhas gained the greatest popularity in the West. The various books on Zen by Reginald Horace BlythAlan WattsPhilip Kapleau and D. T. Suzuki[citation needed] published between 1950 and 1975, contributed to this growing interest in Zen in the West, as did the interest on the part of beat poets such as Jack KerouacAllen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder.[227] In 1958, the literary magazine Chicago Review played a significant role in introducing Zen to the American literary community[228] when it published a special issue[229] on Zen featuring the aforementioned beat poets and works in translation.


中新網6月15日電將舉辦下屆2012年奧運會的主辦城市倫敦宣布,將於今年8月舉行的北京奧運 會閉幕式上,由其國家跳舞組合Zoo Nation表現霹靂舞(Hip Hop),不過該決定引來不少時事評論員的批評。 國際奧委會規定每屆奧運會的閉幕禮上,均需由下屆主辦 國派 ...

嘻哈英語:Hip hop),是1970年代源自紐約市南布朗克斯哈林區的非洲裔及拉丁裔青年之間的一種邊緣性次文化,繼而發展壯大成為新興藝術型態,並席捲全球。[1][2][3][4][5][6]嘻哈包含饒舌DJ地板霹靂舞塗鴉四大要素。另外,亦衍生出節奏口技嘻哈時裝嘻哈俗俚語等次文化。



1978年,閃耀大師與狂暴五人的成員凱斯·「牛仔」·威金斯率先將兩個俚語合併使用,[7]通過快速唱「嘻、哈、嘻、哈」的方式在某種程度上模仿行軍士兵的節奏與旋律,用來戲弄他剛剛加入美國陸軍的一個朋友。牛仔稍後便將「嘻哈」節奏帶上他的舞台表演。[8][9]該樂團經常與認同此一新興音樂型態的迪斯科藝術家一同表演,並稱呼他們為「嘻哈者」(hip hoppers)。最初這個名詞被認為有些不尊重,但很快地就被視為一種新的音樂和文化。

noun [U] 嘻哈
a type of popular music in which the subject of the songs is often politics or society and the words are spoken rather than sung

2019年6月28日 星期五

mojo, voodoo



Pronunciation: /ˈvuːduː/
Translate voodoo | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish

Definition of voodoo

[mass noun]
  • a black religious cult practised in the Caribbean and the southern US, combining elements of Roman Catholic ritual with traditional African magical and religious rites, and characterized by sorcery and spirit possession: they can use voodoo to help people if you understand voodoo you can talk to these spirits [as modifier]:a voodoo doll a voodoo priest
  • [count noun] a person skilled in voodoo.

verb (voodoosvoodooingvoodooed)

[with object]
  • affect (someone) by the practice of voodoo: someone had voodooed her





early 19th century: from Louisiana French, from Kwa vodũ

Definition of voodoo economics

[often treated as singular] US informal
  • an economic policy perceived as being unrealistic and ill-advised, in particular a policy of maintaining or increasing levels of public spending while reducing taxation: the numbers do not add up - talk about voodoo economics


1980s: popularized as a disparaging term by George Bush (see Bush, George) in his 1980 campaign for the Republican presidential nomination


n.pl. -jos or -joes.
  1. A magic charm or spell.
  2. An amulet, often a small flannel bag containing one or more magic items, worn by adherents of hoodoo or voodoo.
  3. Personal magnetism; charm.
[Perhaps ultimately from Fula moco'o, medicine man.]


Pronunciation: /ˈməʊdʒəʊ/
noun (plural mojos)

chiefly US
  • a magic charm, talisman, or spell:someone must have their mojo working over at the record company
  • [mass noun] influence, especially magic power: the name has no mojo


early 20th century: probably of African origin; compare with Gullah moco 'witchcraft'

2019年6月26日 星期三


something you say which appears as if you are complaining or embarrassed, but is really a way of telling people about something that you are very proud of:

She posted a classic humblebrag about spending $2,000 on a handbag "because I'm so terriblewith money".

Humblebrag is a compound (and oxymoron) of the words humble and brag. It's credited to Harris Wittels, a writer and producer for the TV sitcom ...
......他自稱祖父是毛澤東的秘書,但囑咐記者不要引用這句話,“因為這聽起來像吹牛,而且毛主席有幾百個秘書”。他接著說,最後這句話是“ 以謙虛的方式在自誇 ”(humblebrag)”。
根據韋氏詞典,humblebrag一詞最早出現在21世紀初,指的是“以看似謙虛的方式自誇”。 Humblebrag是個組合詞,其中humble是“謙卑、謙虛”的意思,brag則意為“吹噓、炫耀”。
去年,一項名為“ 摔倒炫富挑戰 ”曾經風靡亞洲,當時人們在社交媒體發出自己摔倒的照片。他們精心把散落一地的物品排列在旁:奢侈品包包、高定鞋子、昂貴的化妝品……沒錯,這就是赤裸裸的炫富。時報在此前的報導中稱,此活動完全是“把謙虛從謙虛式炫耀中剔除了”(take the humble out of humblebragging)。

2019年6月23日 星期日

Gender Gap, Gap Year

一項新的研究警告: 計算機科學領域要實現男女平等,至少需要100年。研究人員表示,持久的性別差距體現在目前該領域女性研究者的數量之少,這一趨勢也在一定程度上反映出在科學期刊和會議管理者中存在的性別偏見。 (《 紐約時報 》) 
The Gender Gap in Computer Science Research Won't Close for 100 ...

2019年6月21日 星期五

Twitter, "unpresidented", tweetstorm

The president confirmed he ordered the strikes but that he canceled them when he learned about the degree of the potential loss of life. Why wasn't that questions asked earlier?

Social media would certainly be a less cheerful place without Twitter’s chirpy logo: that powder-blue profile of a floating bird forever frozen in mid warble. But who first had the phonic imagination to fashion an onomatopoetic compromise between the language of feathers and the language of men? ‘Twitter’ (or ‘twiterith’ as it was initially crafted in the second half of the 14th century), first trilled from the quill of Geoffrey Chaucer in his translation of Consolation of Philosophyby the 6th Century philosopher Boethius. Predating both ‘chirp’ and ‘warble’ by a century, ‘twitter’ is one of over 2,200 words for which the Medieval poet is credited with having inked an inaugural usage. That it’s the same author who wrote the poem The Parlement of Foules seems entirely appropriate.

Donald J. Trump
China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters - rips it out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act.

Donald Trump accuses China of 'unpresidented' act over US navy ...

https://www.theguardian.com › US News › Donald Trump
5 hours ago - “China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters – rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented act,” Trump ...

Trump faces 'unpresidented' moment on Twitter - CNBC.com


3 hours ago - Trump misspelled "unprecedented" in his first tweet about China and the seized drone, and the Twitter universe had a field day with the gaffe.





中方回应南海新风波 推特冒出新“热词”
