2022年9月15日 星期四



Our spiral ramp is currently closed.
While we prepare the "Alex Katz: Gathering" and "Nick Cave: Forothermore" exhibitions, enjoy this rare opportunity to see the changeover take shape with reduced admission!

2022年7月24日 星期日




slashiein British English

(ˈslæʃɪ IPA Pronunciation Guide)
a person who gains income from more than one occupation
Word origin
C21: from the use of a slash between job titles in phrases such as baker/model


5  ((米))《印》斜線/斜槓,  slashスラッシュ(/)(virgule).


多重職業[1],亦稱斜槓族[2][3][4]斜棟族斜槓青年[5]Slash族彈性就業人士[6],該概念始自美國紐約女專欄作家及諮詢師馬奇·艾波赫英語Marci Alboher[4]的暢銷書《不能只打一份工︰多重壓力下的職場求生術》[6],是一種工作態度,具體意指年輕人不再滿足於專一職業的工作模式,而選擇有多重職業及身份的生活[6]。當社會上一個人的事業英語career可從其工作上的活動辨認其僱傭專業,斜槓族取的是一種多重事業的路向。一種興起於20世紀末期至21世紀初期的趨勢。這些具有多重事業的人可能同時擔任兩份或以上的專業工作,又或在某一行業得到相當成就時轉往另一行業發展。

Sandra Kerka(2003)說:「自1970年代末以來美國的研究表明,經濟活躍人口中有10%到30%的人在五年內至少有過一次職業變化。」在德國,91名技術工人中,在完成學業後的前8年中,三分之一的職業發展在其他職業中至少被僱用過一次。[7] 斜槓族亦會考慮一邊創業或加盟連鎖[8]一邊打工,從而達到多源收入的效果,他們比較重視自己的時間,希望自己時間自己掌握。

Kuang, Susan. 沒有「職稱」你還剩下什麼?斜槓青年5大生存法則. 圓神出版. 2017-09 [2018-12-12]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-01) (中文(繁體)).

https://www.thenewslens.com › article

2020年12月1日 — Embracing a multi-hyphenate career means you need to manage to keep your work and personal life balanced.(迎向斜槓職涯代表你得想辦法維持你 ...

Ep.2 想要當slashie 斜槓世代沒有那麼簡單- Sarah 善用P.I.E. ...
https://careher.net › sarah-jobshare-slash

2022年4月24日 星期日

рашизм, Ukrainians identify an enemy: ‘ruscism.’




As I read about Irpin, about Bucha, about Trostyanets, of the bodies crushed by tanks, of the bicyclists shot on the street, of the desecrated corpses, there it was, “рашизм,” again and again, in comments sections, in social media, even in the official pronouncements of the Ukrainian state. 

The War in Ukraine Has Unleashed a New Word

In a creative play on three different languages, Ukrainians identify an enemy: ‘ruscism.’

2022年3月31日 星期四

emoji, "emoldjis", favicon, emoji era, ‘Fahrenheit 451’. in-meeting emoji reactions

emoji, "emoldjis", favicon,  emoji era, ‘Fahrenheit 451’.  in-meeting emoji reactions
Google is announcing many Workspace updates, but I’m most excited for the emoji

Writing: Making Your Mark is now open! From hieroglyphs to emojis, our new exhibition celebrates the act of writing, one of humankind's greatest achievements.
Marvel at the oldest item in our collection, a 3,600-year-old ancient Egyptian limestone monument covered in hieroglyphs. Discover James Joyce’s unique style of notetaking in his collection of notes for Ulysses. Witness the collective power of writing in a 60,000-strong petition against Bengali partition. And be inspired by new takes on typography from world-renowned design studio, Dalton Maag.
Find out more: http://ow.ly/MzsT50sl86e

‘Fahrenheit 451’ Has Fire and Fury, but Little Light

Ray Bradbury’s dystopian warning about mid-20th-century media and conformity gets a muddled HBO update for the emoji era.

半百老人用的 emojis
BBC England
"I need something that shows pain because my back hurts, my knees hurt and I need emojis with glasses" Grandmother Diane Hill designs "emoldjis" to reflect her needs 👴

Diane Hill, from Coventry, felt that existing smiling, sleepy and sad faces did not represent the lives and likes of older people.
The 56-year-old compiled her own "emoldjis" for the over 50s.
An artist sketched her ideas which were sent to off to the Unicode Consortium which regulates emoji updates.

University of Chicago Magazine translated 10 UChicago course titles into emoji—can you guess which is which? ‪#‎WorldEmojiDay‬

Do you speak emoji?

Google funks up its favicon

Google has decided to get with the times and refresh its well-worn favicon.
Marissa Mayer wrote on Google's blog that the favicon - the small icon that appears in browsers next to the URL, or in lists of bookmark - has been changed to better suit new web gadgets

favicon (short for 'favorites icon'), also known as a website icon, a page icon or an urlicon, is an icon associated with a particular website or webpage.

Wikipedia article "Favicon"

The mind set to raise the energy in a boring atmosphere.
Person 1: This party is so lame bro.
Person 2: Don't worry bro when i get there I'm gonna Funk It Up.


Pronunciation: /ɪˈməʊdʒi/ 

NOUN (plural same or emojis)

A small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication:emoji liven up your text messages with tiny smiley faces


1990s: Japanese, from e 'picture' + moji 'letter, character'.

2022年2月3日 星期四

NFTs, short for nonfungible tokens, 非同質化代幣(英語:non-fungible token)非代替性代幣

NFTs, short for nonfungible tokens, are digital contracts that allow people to prove they own specific online assets, like official copies of a given artwork, and are usually bought and sold with cryptocurrencies, especially Ethereum. ... In the 110 profitable cases, sales from those NFTs made nearly $8.9 million.7 hours ago

On October 25th you can bid to buy the non-fungible token of our Alice in Wonderland cover on decentralised finance. The money raised will go to The Economist Educational Foundation

We are auctioning our first ever NFT2


非代替性トークン(ひだいたいせいトークン)、NFTnon-fungible token

non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger (blockchain).[1] NFTs can be used to represent easily-reproducible items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files as unique items (analogous to a certificate of authenticity), and use blockchain technology to establish a verified and public proof of ownership. Copies of the original file are not restricted to the owner of the NFT, and can be copied and shared like any file. The lack of interchangeability (fungibility) distinguishes NFTs from blockchain cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin.

The first NFT project was launched in 2015 on the Ethereum blockchain, and interest grew with the rise of interest in crypto currencies. According to NonFungible.com, sales exceeded $2 billion in the first quarter of 2021, more than 20 times the volume of the previous quarter.[2] NFTs have drawn criticism with respect to the energy cost and carbon footprint associated with validating blockchain transactions.


非同質化代幣(英語:non-fungible token)是一種被稱為區塊鏈數位帳本上的數據單位,每個代幣可以代表一個獨特的數碼資料。由於其不能互換,非同質化代幣可以代表數位文件,如畫作聲音影片遊戲中的項目或其他形式的創意作品。雖然文件(作品)本身是可以無限複製的,但代表它們的代幣在其底層區塊鏈上被追蹤,並為買家提供所有權證明。 [1] [2]諸如以太幣比特幣等加密貨幣都有自己的代幣標準以定義對NFT的使用。


非同質化代幣一種存儲在區塊鏈(數位帳本)上的數據單位,它可以代表藝術品等獨一無二的數位物品。[1]其是一種加密代幣,但與比特幣等加密貨幣不同,其不可互換。[3][4] 一個非同質化代幣是通過上傳一個文件,如藝術品,到非同質化代幣拍賣市場[5]。這將創建一個記錄在數位帳本上的文件副本作為非同質化代幣,它可以用加密貨幣購買和轉售。雖然藝術家可以出售代表作品的非同質化代幣,但藝術家仍然可以保留作品的版權[6],並創造更多的同一作品的非同質化代幣。非同質化代幣的買家並不能獲得對作品的獨家訪問權,[6]買家也不能獲得對原始數位文件的獨佔。將某一作品作為非同質化代幣上傳的人不必證明他們是原創藝術家[7],在許多案例中,在未經創作者許可的情況下,藝術品被用於非同質化代幣。[8][9]