艾略特諷刺前輩羅素的〈阿波里奈克斯先生〉。當時我意猶未盡,又用英文寫了六行小詩,附於原詩之後,名為Incidental Lines:
I met the Master at a feast,
And both were overfed:
The Master, with what he ate,
And I, with what he said
On the essence and the assence
Of cultural renaissance,
Urban Dictionary: Assence
2011/11/23 - Assence - noun Any type of odour that contains distinct noticeable characteristics which indicate that the smell originated from the rear end of a person or animal. The severity of the odour can be of any degree. "Assence" is formed by merging the words "Ass" and "Essence". An assence may be the result of: flatulence be it post coital or otherwise, a Rippee, excretion, dogs, pigs or other dirty animals etc.