Phubbing is a term coined as part of a campaign by Macquarie Dictionary to describe the habit of snubbing someone in favour of a mobile phone. In May 2012, the advertising agency behind the campaign, McCann, had invited a number of lexicographers, authors, and poets to coin a neologism to describe the behaviour.
每日一詞 :Phubbing |戒斷手機成癮,拒做“低頭族”
我們的生活似乎正備手機吞噬。作為手機的重度使用者,時報科技專欄作者Kevin Roose為“手機成癮症”及相關負面影響而困擾。他寫道:“心理學家將這種行為命名為 '低頭症'(phubbing) ,也就是你為了手機而冷落某人。”
Phubbing一詞是phone(手機)與snubbing(冷落、怠慢)的組合詞。 phubbing意指忽略你身邊的人、只關心手機的行為;其衍生詞phubber即人們常說的“低頭族”。對“phubber”群體而言,過度使用手機消解了他們的注意力。對此,Roose分享了 他的應對方案 。