2019年4月28日 星期日

unicorn. How China’s bicycle ‘unicorns’ shook up a small town

中國共享單車的急速發展曾讓天津王慶坨鎮風光無限。作為自行車生產重鎮,這裡滋養著中國數家市值超過十億美元的“獨角獸”公司。但現在,隨著投資熱潮退去,工廠關閉、工人下崗,廢棄的自行車堆滿田野,盛極一時的榮景已不復存在 。
→相關閱讀:中國共享經濟先鋒、Ofo創始人戴威被列入政府黑名單,數百萬用戶要求退還押金,許多人稱遭遇退款難,引發公眾憤怒。中國科技企業“ 先燒錢買用戶,後期再談盈利 ”的商業模式顯示出局限性。
Unwanted bikes littered around the manufacturing town of Wangqingtuo.  Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times

How China’s bicycle ‘unicorns’ shook up a small town

As bike-sharing swept through Chinese cities about three years ago, the small town of Wangqingtuo — home to many bicycle factories — prospered.
But then the start-ups hit financial troubles, hollowing out parts of Wangqingtuo, leaving factories shuttered and unwanted bicycles piled up on empty streets.
Takeaway: The boom and bust of China’s bike-sharing companies reflect the country’s dizzying start-up scene, with new unicorns (companies worth more than $1 billion) cropping up every four days last year, according to a research firm in Shanghai.
While the fast-paced technology industry has created new industries, the companies that quickly collapse often end up wiping out jobs and small investors.

