2020年2月14日 星期五

Medical Unit, Self-contained, Transportable 方艙:自給式可運輸野戰醫院(或稱輕便野戰醫院一MuST)

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德國科隆Lukas strasse的彼得·鮑爾(Peter Bauer)工廠主要生產貨車、公共汽車、拖車、方艙及其他城市車輛。1950年代中期起,該廠開始方艙生產,成為歐洲較早的方艙製造商。首個客戶是比利時軍方,在1954年向該廠定購了安在福特G798B3噸全輪驅動卡車上的工作間方艙、空氣調節方艙、影像方艙。同時期,駐紮在德國的美國陸軍也向該廠定購了一批安在福特FK4000底盤上的燃料補給方艙。[2]
醫療方艙及由醫療方艙組成的方艙醫院,是方艙的其中一種較為人們熟悉的類型。方艙醫院的發展始於1960年代,當時美軍為適應越南戰爭之需,率先將自給式可運輸野戰醫院(或稱輕便野戰醫院一MuST)投入戰場使用,成為野戰醫院方艙化的開端。1970年代以後,方艙醫院的形式發生多種變化,英國德國法國等國研製出採用越野車底盤載運的拖車或半掛拖車式組合單元。1980年代至1990年代,方艙醫院獲得很大發展,義大利西班牙奧地利荷蘭新加坡台灣都研製和採購了方艙醫院。1990 年代初中期,隨著第一次海灣戰爭結束,各國軍方對方艙醫院出現新認識,方艙醫院的研發成為熱點。該階段,法國GIAT公司研製的技術互聯方艙醫院被許多北約國家引進。[5]德軍從1990年代起大規模研發醫療方艙系統,形成了滿足不同衛勤保障功能、模塊化、系列化的方艙式衛生裝備體系,大幅度提高了野戰條件下的衛勤保障能力。[6]2l世紀開始後,方艙醫院的信息化作業能力獲得提高,機動形式增加,標準化和通用化的程度提升,並在地震救援等非戰爭軍事行動中獲更多應用。[5]


  1. ^ 冀中仁,追根溯源話方艙,中國軍轉民2012年09期
  2. ^ 楊靖 編譯,歐洲早期的方艙製造商,方艙與地面設備2007年第4期
  3. ^ 董虎軍、馬冬芳、李銀漢,我軍方艙的起源發展與標準制訂,空軍裝備2009年第4期
  4. ^ 2016第五屆中國國際方艙技術與設備展覽會CSIE,高端裝備發展研究中心,2015-09-01 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2016-09-19.
  5. 移至:5.0 5.1 孫景工、譚樹林、張曉峰,外軍方艙醫院的發展現狀及對我軍的啟示,醫療衛生裝備2011,32(9):75-77
  6. ^ 李瑞興、陳征宇,德軍醫療方艙系統,醫療衛生裝備2006(5)
  7. ^ 林維安,對共軍醫療方艙運用於登島作戰之研析,聯合後勤季刊2012年2月28期,第75-94頁
  8. ^ 武漢「方艙醫院」擴容至11家萬餘床位.

Medical Unit, Self-contained, Transportable

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A US Army Hospital in Vietnam, equipped with MUST (Medical Unit, Self Contained, Transportable) equipment
Medical Unit, Self-contained, Transportable (MUST) was a type of medical equipment system developed for field hospitals in the United States Army in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The system used inflatable shelters for ward and patient care space, and expandable shelters for operating rooms and other sections. They were powered by auxiliary power units which used JP-4 as fuel, producing power and air conditioning for the hospital in addition to air to keep the shelters inflated. A 60 bed surgical hospital in Vietnam could use up to 3,000 gallons of JP-4 per day to keep the hospital inflated and operational.[1]


The units were manufactured by Missouri Research Manufacturing Company, Inflated Products Company, Firestone Tire and Rubber CompanyBrunswick Corporation, with spare parts supplied by Coats & Clark Company and Scoville Manufacturing Company (zippers,) Beckett Lace and Velcro (fasteners.)[2]


According to Major General Spurgeon Neel, a commander of the 44th Medical Brigade in South Vietnam:[3]
MUST-equipped surgical hospitals were operated for several years in Vietnam with mixed success. These units consisted of three basic elements, each of which could be airlifted and dispatched by truck or helicopter. The expandable surgical element was a self-contained, rigid-panel shelter with accordion sides. The air-inflatable ward element was a double-walled fabric shelter providing a free-space area for ward facilities. The utility element or power package contained a multifuel gas turbine engine which supplied electric power for air-conditioning, refrigeration, air heating and circulation, water heating and pumping, air pressure for the inflatable elements, and compressed air or suction. In addition, other expandables were used for central materiel supply, laboratory, X-ray, pharmacy, dental, and kitchen facilities.


  1. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2016-03-25. Retrieved 2016-03-23.
  2. ^ Department of Defense Appropriations for 1983, pt. 8, pp. 103-107.
  3. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2015-09-06. Retrieved 2016-03-22.

