2018年5月9日 星期三

'fake news', botnet, Internet troll, yellow journalism

A man clutches a newspaper with the words "Fake News" daubed across its front, a detail from an 1894 Puck illustration satirising "Yellow Journalism". More here: http://publicdomainreview.org/…/yellow-journalism-the-fake…/

Collins Dictionary picks 'fake news' as Word of the Year

POLITICO.eu · 1 day ago

美國總統川普愛用而在全球爆紅的「假新聞」一詞,前天被《柯林斯字典》(Collins Dictionary)選為2017年年度字彙,過去一年來被使用量暴增365%。
新版《柯林斯字典》將收錄「假新聞」一詞,其定義為「打著新聞報導名義所傳播的不實資訊,通常相當聳動」。該字典語言內容總監紐斯特德(Helen Newstead)形容:「無論出於事實陳述或指控,『假新聞』一詞今年讓人無法小覷,削弱了社會對於新聞報導的信任」。


The campaign reportedly included technology like botnets as well as paid human trolls.

Russian Effort Helped Spread Fake Election News, Report Says
The propaganda was part of a broader campaign to influence the election

2016.7.5現在 HummingBad 目的只為了賺錢,但 Check Point 特別強調,那只是「現在」。Yingmob 可以利用 HummingBad 做衝廣告流量、衝下載量更多、更可怕的事,像是把被感染裝置變成 botnet(殭屍網路),作為網路攻擊用途;又或者是蒐集每個裝置上的資料做成資料庫,若遇上比較有價值的資料,就可以得到高敏感度資料,或者藉由他的相關資料對他的其他裝置進行針對性攻擊、獲取更有價值的資料;也可以控制使用者的裝置,變成勒索軟體賺入更多的錢。

Internet troll - Wikipedia


In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional ...

yellow journalism


  • Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.
    ‘equating murder and dismemberment with smoking pot is the worst yellow journalism’


1895: from the appearance in an issue of the New York World of a cartoon in which a child in a yellow dress ( ‘The Yellow Kid’) was the central figure. The color printing was an experiment designed to attract customers.


Pronunciation: /ˈbɒtnɛt/ 


network of private computers infected with malicious software and controlled as a group without the owners' knowledge, e.g. to send spam.


1990s: blend of bot2 and network.

