2017年10月4日 星期三


Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) & Association for Asian Studies, Inc. (AAS) members, please check out the latest review of University of Alberta Professor Christopher Lupke's book, "The Sinophone Cinema of Hou Hsiao-hsien" by Film International, which praises it for being "a well-informed book straddling between the disciplines of Chinese Studies and Film Studies ... highly relevant to film buffs, sinophiles, film researchers, and students.” Read more at http://ow.ly/DdJj30ft7O3

Cambria Press

Traditional Chinese漢語圈
Simplified Chinese汉语圈
Literal meaningHan language circle
Traditional Chinese操漢語者
Simplified Chinese操汉语者
Literal meaningHan language-speaking person(s)

Sinophone's etymology is from Sino- "China; Chinese" (cf. Sinology) and -phone "speaker of a certain language" (cf. Arabophone).
Edward McDonald (2011) claimed the word sinophone, "seems to have been coined separately and simultaneously on both sides of the Pacific" in 2005, by Geremie Barmé (Australia National University) and Shu-Mei Shih (UCLA). Barmé (2008) explained the "Sinophone world" as "one consisting of the individuals and communities who use one or another—or, indeed, a number—of China-originated languages and dialects to make meaning of and for the world, be it through speaking, reading, writing or via an engagement with various electronic media." 

