2018年3月13日 星期二

-athon, telethon, datathon, talkathon,walkathon, Halloween Scarathon, edit-a-thons

The Swedes hope that tech firms will be inspired to take gender inequality in online content more seriously

Sweden tries to increase gender equality on the web
Together with Wikimedia, Swedish diplomats are hosting #WikiGap edit-a-thons in 54 embassies

Columbia Public Health
Two Mailman PhD. candidates just swept a datathon on their first attempt. And they're just getting started.


Jerry Lewis raised $2.45 billion through his annual fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association beginning with his first telethon in 1966. His publicist reflects on the life and legacy of the actor, comedian and icon who died peacefully today at age 91. http://cnn.it/2x3Ct7e
傑里·劉易斯通過他的肌肉營養不良協會年度籌款活動,從1966年的第一次電話開始籌集了24.5億美元。他的宣傳員反映了91歲時今天和平地去世的演員,喜劇演員和圖標的生命和遺產。http:// cnn。它/2x3Ct7e (google 翻譯)

Jerry lewis通過他在1966. 年的首次電視節目中募集了2.45億美元. 他的公關反映了91. 歲的演員, 喜劇演員和喜劇演員的生命和遺產. Http://cnn.it/2x3Ct7e (Facebook:Muscular Dystrophy Association 丟了 )

Telethon - Wikipedia


telethon (a television" and "marathon") is a televised fundraising event that lasts many hours or even days, the purpose of which is to raise money for a ...

紀念David Kerridge
On Oct. 31, Q2 Music celebrates new music's favorite holiday, Halloween, with Q2's first 24-hour scarathon of hair-raising microtones, densely clustered choruses and heart-pumping slasher film suites: http://bit.ly/16kuHGv
其實這字根十幾年前英國的David Kerridge教授在email就教過我了.
今年他過世了. 我用英文寫篇感謝給其家人.

Entry from World dictionary
• forming nouns denoting an action or activity which is carried on for a very long time or on a very large scale, typically to raise funds for charity: talkathon, walkathon
on the pattern of (mar)athon

On Thursday, Oct. 31, Q2 Music celebrates new music's favorite holiday, Halloween, with its first 24-hour scarathon of hair-raising microtones,…

