2016年12月17日 星期六

"jumbo", jumbo jet 1964, Mumbo jumbo,

Just as the clergy in the Middle Ages spoke in Latin to give their words an air of authority, management theorists speak in mumbo-jumbo

Management theory is becoming a compendium of dead ideas
What Martin Luther did to the Catholic church needs to be done to business…

BBC Future
Only a stroke of luck at 37,000ft prevented them drifting up to their deaths.

It was one of the most foolhardy flights in history, and only a stroke of luck at 37,000ft prevented them drifting up to their deaths at the edge of the atmosphere.


Pronunciation: /ˈdʒʌmbəʊ/ 


NOUN (plural jumbos)

1A very large person or thing.
1.1(also jumbo jet)A very large airliner (originally and specifically a Boeing 747).


Very large:a jumbo pad


Early 19th century (originally of a person): probably the second element of mumbo jumbo. Originally denoting a large and clumsy person, the term was popularized as the name of an elephant at London Zoo, sold in 1882 to the Barnum and Bailey circus.
  • In the early 19th century jumbo was applied to a large and clumsy person. The word became well known when it was used as a name for an elephant at London Zoo. He was sold to the Barnum and Bailey circus in 1882, despite massive public protest. Since 1964 it has referred to a large jet airliner, in particular the Boeing 747.

debris, comet, jumbo, superjumbo

Comets are often referred to as "dirty snowballs." They are left over from the formation of stars and planets billions of years ago. Before zipping around the Sun with their characteristic big tails, comets that we see in our solar system start out as big chunks of rock and ice just floating around in something called the Oort cloud. When the gravity from a large passing body, like a star, becomes strong enough, some large chunks of ice get pulled away from the cloud and head toward the Sun. As that ball of ice gets close enough to the Sun, its heat begins to melt some of the ice that makes up the comet. The melted ice becomes a gaseous tail that extends away from the source of the heat (in this case, the Sun). The tail is pushed out by the Sun's solar wind.

What keeps the comet in motion and guides its path is the gravity from all the planets and stars it passes. When a comet is in our solar system, most of the gravity affecting the comet's motion is due to the Sun. As a comet gets closer to the Sun it moves faster and faster, because the closer an object is to the Sun the stronger the Sun's gravity acts on it. As well as moving faster near the Sun, the comet's tail will grow in length since more of the ice will be evaporating.

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Baby Elephant
Peeking Out
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Aristotle once called the elephant "the beast which passeth all others in wit and mind." They're the largest living land mammals, naturally found in the tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Such a large animal needs plenty of food — the average elephant eats around 500 lbs (225 kg) of vegetation and drinks up to 50 gal (190 l) of water every day. As Aristotle pointed out, though, one of the most appealing things about elephants is their intelligence. They have been trained to do all kinds of tricks, and a few elephants became famous for their artwork. One elephant, Ruby, had a painting sold for $100,000. The word "jumbo" was inspired by Jumbo, one of history's largest circus elephants. It is thought to be a derivative of the Swahili word "jambe," meaning "chief." On this date in 1796, the first elephant arrived in the United States, brought from Bengal.

Reports: Airbus and Boeing Could See More Delivery Delays

Franco-German aircraft maker Airbus has written to clients warning of more
possible delays in deliveries of its A380 superjumbo, a German magazine
said on Sunday. Boeing's Dreamliner will be reportedly late as well.

The DW-WORLD Article

adjective [before noun]
extremely large:
a jumbo bag of sweets
a jumbo-sized packetsuperjumbo 超大型客機
jumbo jet noun [C] (INFORMAL jumbo)
a very large aircraft which can carry a lot of people

noun [U]
broken or torn pieces of something larger:
Debris from the aircraft was scattered over a large area.


天文學名詞 PLUME 羽狀物
(慧星News - Comet impact gave 'powder plume' They caught the vast and dramatic plume of debris that spread out into space. X-ray puzzle The ensuing debris plume expanded rapidly above the impact site at about 5km/s. 11 Jul 2005

On Friday the **United States** said it was* *re-evaluating space cooperation with **China**, saying the satellite* *downing last month was inconsistent with a US-Chinese agreement. The*
*US and Washington stopped anti-satellite tests in 1985, in part**because of concerns about debris left drifting in space. **(德國之音)*

今天為大家介紹 debris ,法文拼寫形式為 débris ,它也是今日字彙的字源,是由古法語動詞 débriser 變化而來,但是當代法語字典已見不到這個動詞形態。其他相關資料請參考《我的英漢辭典》和《我的法漢辭典》。
  • En.
    1. Source: Jeffrey M. Smith : « Seeds of Deception» Ch. 2 » To understand this, we must again look at how the theory of genetics has evolved since genetic engineering began. Only a small percentage of the DNA has been identified as genes. In humans, it's between 1.1 and 1.4 percent. The much larger portion of the DNA was once referred to as “junk DNA.” It was considered by scientists to be useless debris left over from the evolution of the species. Shooting foreign genes into sections of junk DNA was considered a safe zone. In reality, it may be just the opposite.

Mumbo jumbo, or mumbo-jumbo, is an English term which denotes confusing or meaningless language. It is often used to express humorous criticism of middle-management and civil-service doublespeak.
It may also refer to practices based on superstitionrituals intended to cause confusion, or languages that the speaker does not understand.

Origins and usage[edit]

The phrase probably originated from the Mandingo name Maamajomboo, a masked dancer that took part in religious ceremonies. Mungo Park's travel journal Travels in the Interior of Africa (1795) describes 'Mumbo Jumbo' as a character, complete with "masquerade habit", that Mandinka males would dress up in order to resolve domestic disputes.[1] In the 18th century mumbo jumbo referred to a West African god.
Mumbo Jumbo is a noun and is the name of a grotesque idol said to have been worshipped by some tribes. In its figurative sense, Mumbo Jumbo is an object of senseless veneration or a meaningless ritual.

