2020年1月15日 星期三

sin taxes, e-cigarette

  sin taxes, e-cigarette

Sometimes quitting is a great thing.

A rise in the use of electronic cigarettes among American adults is linked to…

Bloomberg Asia
But the number of cigarettes smoked in Indonesia is falling.

In Indonesia, higher sin taxes have prompted cost-conscious smokers to…

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
sin tax is an excise tax specifically levied on certain goods deemed harmful to society, for example alcohol and tobaccocandies, drugs, soft drinksfast foodscoffeesugargambling and pornography.[1] Two claimed purposes are usually used to argue for such taxes. In contrast to Pigovian taxes, which are to pay for the damage to society caused by these goods, sin taxes are used to increase the price in an effort to reduce their use, or failing that, to increase and find new sources of revenue. Increasing a sin tax is often more popular than increasing other taxes. However, these taxes have often been criticized for burdening the poor, taxing the physically and mentally dependent, and being part of a nanny state.



