2019年12月26日 星期四

【# On Language 國際週報】006:Vyacheslav Molotov 1890~1986 嘉言:自由選舉最大的缺點是:你永遠都不知道誰會勝出。.。燃燒彈、瓶裝汽油彈。 Molotov cocktail

The Molotov cocktail is a term coined by the Finns during the Winter War, as a generic name used for a variety of improvised incendiary weapons.[100] During the Winter War, the Soviet air force made extensive use of incendiaries and cluster bombs against Finnish troops and fortifications. When Molotov claimed in radio broadcasts that they were not bombing, but rather delivering food to the starving Finns, the Finns started to call the air bombs Molotov bread baskets.[101] Soon they responded by attacking advancing tanks with "Molotov cocktails," which were "a drink to go with the food." According to Montefiore, the Molotov cocktail was one part of Molotov's cult of personality that the vain Premier surely did not appreciate.[102]

每日一詞:Molotov cocktail,燃燒彈、瓶裝汽油彈。時報報導 ,香港警方周一試圖強攻理工大學,但遭到抗議者以燃燒彈(Molotov cocktails)回擊。 Molotov cocktail直譯為“莫洛托夫雞尾酒”,源自二戰期間的蘇芬戰爭。當時蘇聯的外交部長莫洛托夫將空投至芬蘭的炸彈辯稱為“麵包”;芬蘭軍民故而依樣畫葫蘆,將招待蘇聯坦克的燃燒彈取名為“莫洛托夫雞尾酒”。


In September 2004, Kobayashi, who was the Chief Japanese committee member of the First China–Japan Friendship 21st Century Committee, criticized Japanese prime minister Junichirō Koizumi over his repeated visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, which had caused anger in the People's Republic of China as well as in Korea. Subsequently, Molotov cocktails were thrown into the grounds of Kobayashi's home in MeguroTokyo, an act police suspect was carried out by nationalist groups who are hostile to his views.[1]  

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov[a] (/ˈmɒləˌtɒf, ˈm-/;[1]  Skryabin;[b] (OS 25 February) 9 March 1890 – 8 November 1986)[2] was a stalinist Soviet politician and diplomat, an Old Bolshevik, and a leading figure in the Soviet government from the 1920s, when he rose to power as a protégé of Joseph Stalin. Molotov served as Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (Premier) from 1930 to 1941, and as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1939 to 1949 and from 1953 to 1956. He served as First Deputy Premier from 1942 to 1957, when he was dismissed from the Presidium of the Central Committee by Nikita Khrushchev. Molotov was removed from all positions in 1961 after several years of obscurity.
Molotov was the principal Soviet signatory of the Nazi–Soviet non-aggression pact of 1939 (also known as the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact), whose most important provisions were added in the form of a secret protocol that stipulated an invasion of Poland and partition of its territory between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. He was aware of the Katyn massacre committed by the Soviet authorities during this period.
After World War II (the Great Patriotic War), Molotov was involved in negotiations with the Western allies, in which he became noted for his diplomatic skills. He retained his place as a leading Soviet diplomat and politician until March 1949, when he fell out of Stalin's favour and lost the foreign affairs ministry leadership to Andrei Vyshinsky. Molotov's relationship with Stalin deteriorated further, with Stalin criticising Molotov in a speech to the 19th Party Congress. However, after Stalin's death in 1953, Molotov was staunchly opposed to Khrushchev's de-Stalinisation policy. Molotov defended Stalin's policies and legacy until his death in 1986, and harshly criticised Stalin's successors, especially Khrushchev.

Improvised weapons have a long and bloody history, from the Irish shillelagh to the Molotov cocktail. Their modern equivalents, such as the hell cannons of Aleppo, are far deadlier

莫洛托夫生於沙皇俄國維亞特卡省亞蘭斯克(今蘇維埃茨克 (基洛夫州)),原名斯凱瑞亞賓,商店職員之子,與常見錯誤相反他與知名作曲家亞歷山大·尼古拉耶維奇·斯凱瑞亞賓並無親屬關係,在聖彼德堡理工學院就讀。後加入俄國社會民主工黨,擔任《真理報》編輯。被沙俄政府流放。1912年在聖彼德堡結識史達林。在沃洛格達流放期間曾靠演奏小提琴掙生活費。考上大學從而合法結束流放生活,隨後以大學生的身份免服第一次世界大戰兵役。1915年,由於認為斯凱瑞亞賓不好發音,莫洛托夫聽上去與無產階級和工人聯繫更緊密,故使用假名莫洛托夫。1917年2二月革命爆發時,是布爾什維克在彼德堡的地方黨組織負責人。在列寧時期就是俄國共產黨布爾什維克)中央政治局候補委員,1926年起任政治局委員。他是史達林的親信。在蘇聯人民委員會主席亞歷克賽·伊萬諾維奇·李可夫倒台(1938年被處死)後,他繼任蘇聯人民委員會主席,成為史達林領導班子的二號人物,支持史達林的農業集體化政策並參與領導了大清洗


  1. 我並不是史達林的第二把手,我終生都被竊聽,最後幾年還等待著被捕。
  2. 列寧的晚年是複雜的,神經質;列寧的朋友們,基本上都是一些可疑的人;列寧史達林的關係非常密切,列寧把史達林當作自己在中央的支柱,如果把史達林殺掉了,再加上兩三個人,蘇聯就完了;列寧在世時,有那麼多不協調的、形形色色的反對派,總要有人放開手腳去進行鎮壓,於是史達林就實際上承擔起這項任務並加以解決了;十大通過新經濟政策,我們不得不暫時放棄路線,放棄社會主義,放棄工人階級的領導,向資本主義漂移。
  3. 史達林搞鎮壓活動是完全正確的、必要的;口供就是證據;我們全力支持他,我是其中最主要的一個;沒有鎮壓,我們也生存不下去;鎮壓政策是挽救人民、挽救革命的惟一政策,是符合列寧主義及其基本原則的惟一政策;但是,鎮壓還不夠徹底,比如像赫魯雪夫米高揚李維諾夫等人,當時就沒有被殺掉,應該鎮壓更多人才對。
  4. 在共產主義實現前,永遠是無產階級專政,而專政只能是幾個人的專政,專政必須株連到婦女和兒童;只要帝國主義存在一天,蘇聯人民的生活就不可能得到改善;因為我們必須要像史達林那樣集中一切人力、物力和財力來發展重工業(特別是軍事工業);所以共產黨永遠不能代表農民知識分子的利益;我們只能把有些科學家關押起來工作。
  5. 在我主持下,消滅了四十萬戶富農農業集體化的成就比衛國戰爭的勝利還大。
  6. 史達林衛國戰爭爆發後三天不露面,呆在別墅里,難過得很,鬱鬱不樂,十分慌亂,請他發表告人民書,遭到他拒絕,請他領導最高統帥部,他也不接受,後來還是由我們大家去懇請他出來領導衛國戰爭的。
  7. 我的惟一任務就是執行對外擴張政策,要占領東歐和西歐,要分化瓦解非洲,還要向蘇聯南部邊境外擴張;我強迫南斯拉夫代表在文件上簽字;我堅決反對赫魯雪夫提出的「和平共處」,因為和平共處與反帝鬥爭不能並存;帝國主義必將在20世紀滅亡,但美國是最適合搞社會主義的國家,美國將最早地實現共產主義
  8. 我反對赫魯雪夫的改革與釋放一切政治犯,赫魯雪夫好歹還繼續推行國有制經濟,吹牛皮要進入共產主義,他在蘇共二十大上譴責史達林只是局部平反,但卻放出了一個可怕的敵人—人道主義
  9. 史達林周圍都是貝利亞派去的人,史達林不能不知道他是貝利亞手中之物,貝利亞說史達林是被他謀害死的;史達林最相信的是日丹諾夫;我始終支持和擁護史達林的領導;我的妻子以德國間諜罪名被捕後,我沒有聲辯,政治局開會要我同她離婚,我起初不同意,但後來又同意了。但我認為即使我真的被史達林處死,我也是死得其所,我也願意。




Molotov cocktail 

Pronunciation: /mɒlətɒfˈkɒkteɪl/ 


crude incendiary device typically consisting of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and with a means of ignition.


From the name of Vyacheslav Molotov (see Molotov, Vyacheslav), who led the Soviet campaign against Finland in 1939–40, when such weapons were used by the Finns.

