2019年12月24日 星期二

【# On Language 國際週報】003: The Lennon Wall or John Lennon Wall. Berlin Wall. 防火長城/金盾、Great Firewall 略称:GFW

グレートファイアウォール(中国語:防火長城、英語: Great Firewall 略称:GFW)とは中華人民共和国本土(大陸地区、香港とマカオを除く)のインターネットに存在している大規模情報検閲システムとその関連行政機関(中国サイバースペース管理局(英語版))の ...
The Great Wall. In c. 220 B.C., under Qin Shi Huang, sections of earlier fortifications were joined together to form a united defence system against invasions from the north. Construction continued up to the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), when the ...

The Berlin Wall was a guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Construction of the Wall was commenced by the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) on 13 August 1961.
Demolished‎: ‎9 November 1989
Size‎: ‎155 km (96.3 mi)
Construction started‎: ‎13 August 1961

Newly re-elected councillor Winnie Poon has also suggested a permanent "Lennon Wall" message board for the community.

2019年,台北,香港書商林榮基於公館地下道的連儂牆前。他於今年4月離開香港,到台灣定居,並籌備重開銅鑼灣書店的計劃。 Courtesy of Lam Wing Kee
• “不敢再回去”:香港書商在台灣的流亡人生。林榮基帶著“被失踪”的陰影流亡台灣,並著手在台北重開被迫關閉的銅鑼灣書店。他在採訪中講述了與赴台尋求庇護的香港抗議者間的互動,並提出他對當前抗議局勢的觀察。 ( 閱讀本文中文版 )

The John Lennon Wall in the summer of 2014, shortly before it was painted over in November 2014

Lennon Wall in August 1981

Portion of the wall. 1993

Extinction Rebellion mural. 2019
The Lennon Wall or John Lennon Wall is a wall in PragueCzech Republic. Once a normal wall, since the 1980s it has been filled with John Lennon-inspired graffiti, pieces of lyrics from Beatles' songs, and other designs relating to local and global causes.

