2019年8月14日 星期三


時報“結語“專欄指出,國際經濟學家的傳統觀點是,人民幣貶值不能算作匯率操縱。但特朗普在全球貨幣政策上受到零和思維影響,進而採取相關措施(a zero-sum approach),違反了世界經濟政策制定者的共識,這可能會削弱美國在國際金融體系中發揮的核心作用。
Zero-sum意為“零和”,是博弈論中的一個概念。這種概念認為,利益相關各方的利益總和是恆定的;如果一方得到利益,則必有另一方的利益受損。譬如冷戰就被認為是一場零和博弈,當時美國和蘇聯都抱有一種“相互保證毀滅”的核戰略。這種思維延續至今,甚至可能引發一場新的全球軍備競賽 。

Europeans Confront a New, Zero-Sum World

Wall Street Journal‎ - 2 days ago

Weak growth has encouraged zero-sum thinking inside countries: When economies aren't ...

All the world over, a new nationalism is rising. Pessimistic and zero-sum, it is a dangerous threat to prosperity and progress. Our editorial:

Donald Trump is the latest recruit to a dangerous new nationalism

Reagan's America was optimistic. Trump's is angry. There will be consequences



Zero-sum game - Wikipedia


In game theory and economic theory, a zero-sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant's gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the utility of the other participants.
Definition · ‎Solution · ‎Non-zero-sum · ‎Extensions

Zero–sum | Definition of Zero–sum by Merriam-Webster


Definition of zerosum. : of, relating to, or being a situation (as a game or relationship) in which a gain for one side entails a corresponding loss for the other side <dividing up the budget is a zerosumgame>

