2017年8月25日 星期五

mocktail, Alcohol free, or non-alcoholic beverages,

The Rise of the Sophisticated Mocktail: Alcohol-Free Drinks Go Gourmet 

Now a fixture of fine dining, alcohol-free mocktails may well be the most interesting option on the drinks menu these days. Pair them with a multicourse restaurant meal, or mix them at home with these nine refreshing recipes.

. “To more trips like this one,” Charles added, taking a sip of his frothy strawberry and plum drink. “To your first mocktail hour,” I added, clinking glasses with my 12-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son.


Alcohol free, or non-alcoholic beverages, are non-alcoholic versions of typically alcoholic beverages. These may take the form of a non-alcoholic mixed drink (a "virgin drink"), non-alcoholic beer ("near beer") and "mocktails", and are widely available where alcoholic beverages are sold. Beverages with labels that state the actual alcohol by volume help citizens from unknowingly becoming inebriated or drunk drivers.

History of mocktails[edit]

Cocktails rose in popularity during the 1980s, but they have become increasingly popular over the past few years. The use of cocktails has proliferated deep into the drinking culture. Those who did not drink alcohol found themselves in a situation where other drinks, by comparison with cocktails, were generic non-alcoholic beverages. Because of the demand for more visually and aesthetic appealing beverage than normal soft drinks, the concept known as "Mocktails" was born. Mocktails, an abbreviation for "mock cocktails", are festive, non-alcoholic party drinks. The word "mock" implying a facade of the alcoholic cocktail without any of the alcoholic content. 

2017年8月23日 星期三

e-tailing, e-tail empire, sittin' in a tree

Walmart and Google Are Taking On Amazon with AI

Google and Walmart, sittin' in a tree...

Walmart, the world’s biggest retailer, has always struggled to crack online sales.

"- Sitting In A Tree"... something you add to an abbreviation of a cute couple's initials which implies the old first love rhyme "____ and ____ sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage" (awesome preggers)

Usually reserved for couples that are capable of fairytale like endings or happily ever afters

(also E-tailing, etailing, eTailing)


Retail activity conducted via electronic media, especially the Internet.


1990s; earliest use found in Wired. From e- + -tailing.

the small screen, the big screen

A lot of movies get sequels and spin-offs, but a few also get the small-screen treatment.

the big screen


  • The movies.
    ‘the play was adapted for the big screen’

small screen


the small screen
  • Television as a medium.
    ‘transplanting the timeless values of good literature to the small screen’


The Holodomor | Guided History - BU Blogs - Boston University

Introduction. Holodomor is the name given to the mass starvation in the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33. Occurring between the Russian Revolution and the ...

Holodomor – genocide of Ukrainians: up to 10,000,000 Ukrainians ...

Nov 28, 2015 - Uploaded by NewsFromUkraine
On November 28, Ukraine remembers one of the darkest times in its history: the forced famine of 1932-33, in ...

烏克蘭大饑荒(烏克蘭語:Голодомор,拉丁字轉寫:Holodomor;意為「以飢餓滅絕」[1],出自「морити голодом」,意為「以飢餓殺死」[2][3][4]),是1932年至1933年發生在蘇聯烏克蘭蘇維埃社會主義加盟共和國的大饑荒。據估計,大約有240萬[5]至750萬[6]烏克蘭人死於這一事件。雖然同一時期在蘇聯各地都發生了饑荒,但「Голодомор」一詞通常用來特指在烏克蘭民族聚居區內發生的饑荒。當代學者大多認為烏克蘭大饑荒是在史達林農業集體化運動的背景下出現的災難,造成饑荒的原因有自然因素,但更主要的是人為因素。在烏克蘭,這次饑荒有時被認為是故意製造的、針對烏克蘭民族的行動,因此當地也稱為「饑荒種族清洗」[7][8][9]。歷史學家認為蘇聯政府在這次大饑荒中起了推波助瀾的作用,致使大饑荒的後果更加慘重[10]。一些烏克蘭人認為蘇聯對這次大饑荒的責任相當於納粹德國屠殺猶太人[11],並且認為蘇聯專門利用饑荒清洗烏克蘭民族主義者,其行為法律上構成種族滅絕
乌克兰大饥荒(烏克蘭語:Голодомор,拉丁字转写:Holodomor;意为“以饥饿灭绝”[1],出自“морити голодом”,意为“以饥饿杀死”[2][3][4]),是1932年至1933年发生在苏联乌克兰苏维埃社会主义加盟共和国的大饥荒。據估計,大約有240萬[5]至750萬[6]烏克蘭人死於這一事件。虽然同一时期在苏联各地都发生了饥荒,但“Голодомор”一词通常用来特指在乌克兰民族聚居区内发生的饥荒。当代学者大多認為乌克兰大饥荒是在斯大林农业集体化运动的背景下出现的灾难,造成饥荒的原因有自然因素,但更主要的是人为因素。在乌克兰,这次饥荒有时被认为是故意制造的、针对乌克兰...

2017年8月21日 星期一

bodycon dress

'Wine and Grind'

bodycon dress is a tight form-fitting dress, often made from stretchy material.[1] The name derives from "body conscious

Impact investing

For now, the Catholic capital dedicated to impact investments totals around only $1bn
"You cannot serve both God and money," admonishes the Bible. But the church has always tried

Impact investing refers to investments "made into companies, organizations, and funds with the intention to generate a measurable, beneficial social or environmentalimpact alongside (or in lieu of) a financial return."

Impact investing - Wikipedia



Image result for bathysphere
The Bathysphere (Greek: βαθύς, bathus, "deep" and σφαῖρα, sphaira, "sphere") was a unique spherical deep-sea submersible which was unpowered and lowered into the ocean on a cable, and was used to conduct a series of dives off the coast of Bermuda from 1930 to 1934.

Bathysphere - Wikipedia

The bathysphere was a hollow, steel ball less than five feet in diameter with three small windows and a steel cable to tether it to a ship.
In the 1930s, the bathysphere propelled scientists deeper into the sea than they had ever been before.

2017年8月14日 星期一


請查牛津英文辭典,它告訴我們 bong 是1920年代的新字眼,而Big Ben已有近160年歷史。

Big Ben's famous chimes will sound for the last time for four years on Monday.

BBC News 都分享了 1 條連結

2017年8月13日 星期日

sweet spot

The New Yorker
If “Bonnie and Clyde” had been made two years earlier, the movie would not have been approved by the M.P.A.A. Two years later, it would have been rated X. The film found a historical sweet spot.

It is one of the oldest American movies you can watch today without feeling like you’re watching an old movie.

Australian mining companies, struggling amid a commodities slump, have found an unlikely money-spinner: beef.
Australian resources companies have been struggling with falling metals and energy prices, but their beef-rearing operations have been doing well as meat prices soar.

The Sweet Spot

Mitt Romney and President Obama will both need to remember that candidates don't live by the base alone.

sweet spot 



1The point or area on a bat, club, or racket at which it makes most effective contact with the ball:a bigger sweet spot for gives off-centre hits
1.1An optimum point or combination of factors or qualities:the market may have reached its sweet spot, with prices high enough to encourage sellers but still low enough to promise a good return