2017年8月25日 星期五

mocktail, Alcohol free, or non-alcoholic beverages,

The Rise of the Sophisticated Mocktail: Alcohol-Free Drinks Go Gourmet 

Now a fixture of fine dining, alcohol-free mocktails may well be the most interesting option on the drinks menu these days. Pair them with a multicourse restaurant meal, or mix them at home with these nine refreshing recipes.

. “To more trips like this one,” Charles added, taking a sip of his frothy strawberry and plum drink. “To your first mocktail hour,” I added, clinking glasses with my 12-year-old daughter and 11-year-old son.


Alcohol free, or non-alcoholic beverages, are non-alcoholic versions of typically alcoholic beverages. These may take the form of a non-alcoholic mixed drink (a "virgin drink"), non-alcoholic beer ("near beer") and "mocktails", and are widely available where alcoholic beverages are sold. Beverages with labels that state the actual alcohol by volume help citizens from unknowingly becoming inebriated or drunk drivers.

History of mocktails[edit]

Cocktails rose in popularity during the 1980s, but they have become increasingly popular over the past few years. The use of cocktails has proliferated deep into the drinking culture. Those who did not drink alcohol found themselves in a situation where other drinks, by comparison with cocktails, were generic non-alcoholic beverages. Because of the demand for more visually and aesthetic appealing beverage than normal soft drinks, the concept known as "Mocktails" was born. Mocktails, an abbreviation for "mock cocktails", are festive, non-alcoholic party drinks. The word "mock" implying a facade of the alcoholic cocktail without any of the alcoholic content. 

