2019年10月16日 星期三

creative accounting. Creative writing. “creative carbon accounting”

 creative writing
creative accounting

Creative writing can technically be considered any writing of original composition. In this sense, creative writing is a more contemporary and process-oriented name for what has been traditionally called literature, including the variety of its genres. In her work, Foundations of Creativity, Mary Lee Marksberry references Paul Witty and Lou LaBrant’s Teaching the People's Language to define creative writing. Marksberry notes:
創意寫作 創意寫作可以是任何寫作,以小說非小說,任何跳出一般專業新聞、學術以及技術形式文學方式來創作文學作品。這個類別相關的作業包括大部分的長篇小說史詩式作品短篇小說詩篇。螢幕以及舞臺寫作,電影劇本創作和戲劇劇本創作基本上都有他們各自的學習程序,但都可以放到創意寫作的界別當中。


“Schools of business responded to popular demand for finance and creative accounting. The results are decline.”
― W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crises


The CO2 released by the same item produced in two different countries can differ hugely, depending on how energy-efficient production is and how the countries make their electricity

Greta Thunberg accuses rich countries of “creative carbon accounting”
When it comes to measuring national emissions, she has a point

