2016年11月1日 星期二

Beat Generation, Beat Poets

10.31,"Dominic Cheung 留言:鍾先生,請參閱拙著『西洋文學術語手册』(書林,第二版)Beat Generation 條目,我很倚重維基百科,亦經常查閱。"
11.1 我依指示去讀讀那約5頁的詞條解釋。寫得很好,尤其是文末說諸英雄"並沒有被打垮.......",很中肯。
(我10.25原意要說,日本的音譯法很保險,因為它的原意/出處"人云亦云",採用某名家,如 Jack Kerouac的,一以貫之,可通。
我太懶了,因為我們simon university 的梁永安先生翻譯過名著On the Road,從那時候起,這位作者的"高玄"解釋Beat Generation,我們並不是不曉得。
Beat Generation 已成為重要的文化用語,2016年中,法國的知名美術館都要舉行其文物展。英國的文選,更簡稱諸作家為Beat Poets)
10月25日 13:00 · 我跟張先生開個玩笑:
"張錯先生上周末的新書發表盛會中,內容多精彩、合理。比較不合理處是張先生受到他的時代限制,認為Beat Generation應該是他們當年用的"敲打一代",而非現在年輕人稱為的「垮掉的一代」(他說,是beat,不是beaten.....)。
這一誤會,現在很容易公斷,可參考Wikipedia 詞條Beat Generation的英文版、中文版、日文版 (中、日文版多參考英文版,只不過日文版採音譯)。"

Denise Levertov (1923–1997) was born in Ilford, London, England on this day in 1923.
"The Gypsy’s Window" 1957
It seems a stage
backed by imaginations of velvet,
cotton, satin, loops and stripes-
A lovely unconcern
scattered the trivial plates, the rosaries
and centered
a narrownecked dark vase,
unopened yellow and pink
paper roses, a luxury of open red
paper roses-
Watching the trucks go by, from stiff chairs
behind the window show, an old
bandanna'd brutal dignified
woman, a young beautiful woman
her mouth a huge contemptuous rose-
The courage
of natural rhetoric tosses to dusty
Hudson St. the chance of poetry, a chance
poetry gives passion to the roses,
the roses in the gypsy's window in a blue
vase, look real, as unreal
as real roses.
This rousing anthology features the work of more than twenty-five writers from the great twentieth-century countercultural literary movement. Writing with an audacious swagger and an iconoclastic zeal, and declaiming their verse with dramatic flourish in smoke-filled cafés, the Beats gave birth to a literature of previously unimaginable expressive range. The defining work of Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac provides the foundation for this collection, which also features the improvisational verse of such Beat legends as Gregory Corso, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gary Snyder, and Michael McClure and the work of such women writers as Diane DiPrima and Denise Levertov. LeRoi Jones’s plaintive “Preface to a Twenty Volume Suicide Note” and Bob Kaufman’s stirring “Abomunist Manifesto” appear here alongside statements on poetics and the alternately incendiary and earnest correspondence of Beat Generation writers. Visceral and powerful, infused with an unmediated spiritual and social awareness, this is a rich and varied tribute and, in the populist spirit of the Beats, a vital addition to the libraries of readers everywhere. READ an excerpt here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/27863/beat-poets/

Centre Pompidou 更新了封面相片。

張錯先生上周末的新書發表盛會中,內容多精彩、合理。比較不合理處是張先生受到他的時代限制,認為Beat Generation應該是他們當年用的"敲打一代",而非現在年輕人稱為的「垮掉的一代」(他說,是beat,不是beaten.....)。
這一誤會,現在很容易公斷,可參考Wikipedia 詞條Beat Generation的英文版、中文版、日文版 (中、日文版多參考英文版,只不過日文版採音譯)。

垮掉的一代(Beat Generation) ,或稱疲憊的一代,是第二次世界大战之后出现于美國的一群松散结合在一起的年轻诗人和作家的集合体。这一名称最早是由作家杰克·克鲁亚克于1948年前后提出的。在英语中,形容词“beat”一词有“疲惫”或“潦倒”之意,而傑克·克魯亞克赋予其新的含义“欢腾”或“幸福”,和音乐中“节拍”的概念联结在一起。

 beat generation 



A movement of young people in the 1950s and early 1960s who rejected conventionalsociety, valuing free self-expression and favouring modern jazz. Among writers associated with the movement were Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.

