高峰經驗 (文潔華)
Interest in Johann Sebastian Bach has waxed and waned since his death on July 28th 1750. Sixty years ago, you “had to go to certain churches or special little concerts” if you wanted to hear his music. Better recording techniques since then has allowed Bach to pop up everywhere
Wikipedia 的"高峰經驗"項目,只有英文、荷蘭文、波蘭文、俄文,有點奇怪。
聽巴哈音樂ˇ的經驗,我提過Mary Bateson的書With a Daughter's Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson (1984),書中記一群知識菁英在奧國某古堡的星夜高塔聽音樂......
flow chart
(also flow diagram)
flow = peak experience
Scholarly articles for flow psychology of optimal experience
Optimal experience: Psychological studies of flow in … - Csikszentmihalyi - Cited by 2739
Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention - Csikszentmihalyi - Cited by 8239
Finding flow: The psychology of engagement with … - Csikszentmihalyi - Cited by 3408
每日一詞:Flow | 化境
紐約時報中文網 18:26
Flow 作為一個心理學概念,flow被這樣定義:a state of complete immersion in an activity (一種全身心投入某種活動的精神狀態)。提出這個概念的心理學家米哈里·契克森米哈在其著作《Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience》中說,那是一種完全沉浸在某件工作中的狀態,在這種狀態裡,人感到充滿活力,精神高度集中,忘記了自己和周圍一切,並且從這件工作中享受到愉悅。
「Find your flow,」 你會在美國聽到人們這麼說,作為給你的幸福生活建議。
「When did you seem the most animated, the most present?」 Mr. Burnett said, by way of guiding the discussion groups.
「I don’t have flow when I’m doing art history,」 Ms. Ilcus said. 「I hate writing.」 The others listened patiently. 「My flow was doing math,」 she said.
peak experience
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A peak experience is a moment accompanied by a euphoric mental state often achieved by self-actualizing individuals.[1] The concept was originally developed by Abraham Maslow in 1964, who describes peak experiences as "rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their effect upon the experimenter."[2][3] There are several unique characteristics of a peak experience, but each element is perceived together in a holistic manner that creates the moment of reaching one’s full potential.[4] Peak experiences can range from simple activities to intense events;[5][6] however, it is not necessarily about what the activity is, but the ecstatic, care-free feeling that is being experienced during it.[7]
[hide]- 1History
- 2Characteristics
- 3Self-actualization
- 4Examples
- 5Implications
- 6See also
- 7References
- 8Further reading