2016年7月12日 星期二

plastic, "Papmac"

Moholy-Nagy described his work "Papmac," (1943) as "one of the most exciting experiences which perhaps I never will be able to repeat." The evocative title "Papmac" is derived from the outmoded Hungarian diminutive papmacska—a colorful tiger moth or caterpillar whose shape is evoked by the defects in the plastic. Moholy clearly embraced and accentuated the defective material's ability to cast exquisite shadows and create distorted vibrating effects under appropriate light conditions. Watch more: http://gu.gg/iGy03028A9Y


Pronunciation: /ˈplastɪk/ 


1A synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be moulded into shape while soft, and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form:mains pipes should be made of plastic or copper[COUNT NOUN]: bottles can be made from a variety of plastics
1.1informal Credit cards or other types of plastic card that can be used as money:  1980he pays with cash instead of with plastic

