2016年11月30日 星期三

cashflow, cashback, cash for questions

cash for questions 英國政治1994:付錢給議員去提議.....



What is 'Cash Back'

Cash back can refer to two different kinds of card transactions:
1988  1) An option available to retail consumers when, during a debit card transaction, the customer can request to add an extra amount to the purchase price and receive the added amount in cash. Cash back using debit provides customers a convenient method of obtaining cash when purchasing goods and services without having to make a separate trip to an ATM or bank.
2) A cardholder benefit offered by some credit card companies that pays the cardholder a small percentage of their net expenditures (purchases less refunds). Cash back benefits often provide the cardholder with the opportunity to choose from taking the cash, or using the "points" for purchases, travel (as with miles awards for air travel) or gift cards. Typically, cardholders must reach a certain points level to redeem for cash or other benefits. Some credit cards offer varying levels of cash back depending on the purchase. For example, a cardholder might earn 5% back on gas purchases, 2% on groceries and 1%on all other purchases.


He was as much a risk-taker when it came to his money as he was when he was making decisions in Downing Street. Churchill spent wildly on everything from polo ponies to Havana cigars; between 1908 and 1914 the Churchill household spent an average of £1,160 on wine alone each year—£104,400 ($145,000) in today’s money

Churchill spent most of his life leaping from one cashflow crisis to another
He was born on November 30th 1874

2016年11月29日 星期二

Libor—the London interbank offered rate

Libor—the London interbank offered rate

He had no idea it would star in one of history’s greatest financial scandals.

It was the product of a big survey and a little math.
For all its shortcomings, Libor is still a fixture of the global financial system. After the scandal, regulators talked about scrapping the benchmark and replacing it with one based on actual trades rather than what banks say their borrowing costs are. But that proved impossible, because the number was baked into so many contracts lasting many years. In 2014 the BBA was stripped of its role overseeing Libor and replaced by Intercontinental Exchange, a U.S. derivatives-trading platform. These days, Libor is based in part on actual transactions, but it still involves guesswork. Prompted by their success with Libor, authorities around the world undertook similar investigations into benchmarks for foreign exchange, precious metals, and commodities, unearthing widespread manipulation across markets and sparking billions of dollars more in fines.

Wikipedia 中文版只有這樣多的資料:

倫敦銀行同業拆息英文London Interbank Offered Rate,簡稱LIBOR),或稱倫敦同業拆放利率,是一個英國銀行同業之間的短期資金借貸款的成本,原來由英國銀行家協會(British Banker's Association)按其選定的一批銀行,於倫敦貨幣市場報出的銀行同業拆借利率,計算出平均指標利率。此指針利率,每個銀行營業日都可能不同[1]
自2014年2月1日起,英國銀行家協會的角色由洲際交易所集團 (ICE)屬下的ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (IBA)[2]所取代。
在一家銀行內,有兩個利率,拆入利率(Bid Rate)是成本,拆出利率(Offered Rate)是收入


  1. ^ What is the London interbank offered rate? - The Guardian, Monday 17 August 2009 19.55 BST


Google自2013年從地球(Google Earth)服務衍生出具有互動性的 Timelapse 縮時攝影服務,讓使用者親眼印證了人類積年累月在地球上所留下的結果。除了阿拉斯加的哥倫比亞冰河退縮、杜拜叢生的人工島以及南極的冰川運動外,還忠實記錄了全球各地城市化對環境的衝擊。

Stunning timelapse shows £450m cruise ship being built like LEGOover 5 years in Japan





Denoting the photographic technique of taking a sequence of frames at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time. When the frames are shown at normal speed the action seems much faster.
縮時攝影英語:Time-lapse photography),亦稱為間隔攝影曠時攝影延時攝影,是一種將畫面拍攝頻率設定在遠低於一般觀看連續畫面所需頻率的攝影技術。


  • 雲與天空的變化
  • 植物生長及花卉開花
  • 水果腐敗
  • 建築物的建造過程
  • 城市中的人們
法國的喬治·梅里愛於1897年首先將縮時攝影用於拍攝影片《家樂福歌劇院》(Carrefour De L'Opera)。而自1909年起,尚·柯曼登(Jean Comandon)與百代電影公司合作將縮時攝影運用在生物現象的紀錄上。1920年代,縮時攝影進一步被阿諾德·弗朗克運用於一系列被稱做Bergfilms的影片中。

2016年11月28日 星期一

Ecology, Ecological engineering


Ecology - Wikipedia

Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, "house", or "environment"; -λογία, "study of" [A]) is the scientific analysis and study of interactions among organisms and their environment. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes biology, geography, and Earth science.

Ecological engineering is an emerging study of integrating ecology andengineering, concerned with the design, monitoring, and construction of ecosystems. According to Mitsch (1996) "the design of sustainable ecosystems intends to integrate human society with its natural environment for the benefit of both".

2016年11月27日 星期日

peak experience 高峰經驗, flow, flow chart, optimal experience

高峰經驗 (文潔華)


Interest in Johann Sebastian Bach has waxed and waned since his death on July 28th 1750. Sixty years ago, you “had to go to certain churches or special little concerts” if you wanted to hear his music. Better recording techniques since then has allowed Bach to pop up everywhere

Wikipedia 的"高峰經驗"項目,只有英文、荷蘭文、波蘭文、俄文,有點奇怪。
聽巴哈音樂ˇ的經驗,我提過Mary Bateson的書With a Daughter's Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson (1984),書中記一群知識菁英在奧國某古堡的星夜高塔聽音樂......

flow chart 

(also flow diagram)


1diagram of the sequence of movements or actions of people or things involved in acomplex system or activity.
1.1graphical representation of a computer program in relation to its sequence of functions (as distinct from the data it processes).
flow = peak experience

Scholarly articles for flow psychology of optimal experience

Optimal experiencePsychological studies of flow in … - Csikszentmihalyi - Cited by 2739
Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention - Csikszentmihalyi - Cited by 8239
Finding flow: The psychology of engagement with … - Csikszentmihalyi - Cited by 3408

每日一詞:Flow | 化境

Flow 作為一個心理學概念,flow被這樣定義:a state of complete immersion in an activity (一種全身心投入某種活動的精神狀態)。提出這個概念的心理學家米哈里·契克森米哈在其著作《Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience》中說,那是一種完全沉浸在某件工作中的狀態,在這種狀態裡,人感到充滿活力,精神高度集中,忘記了自己和周圍一切,並且從這件工作中享受到愉悅。
「Find your flow,」 你會在美國聽到人們這麼說,作為給你的幸福生活建議。
「When did you seem the most animated, the most present?」 Mr. Burnett said, by way of guiding the discussion groups.
「I don’t have flow when I’m doing art history,」 Ms. Ilcus said. 「I hate writing.」 The others listened patiently. 「My flow was doing math,」 she said. 

peak experience


A momentary awareness of joy or fulfilment, akin to ecstasy and of a higher and different quality from ordinary experience.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
peak experience is a moment accompanied by a euphoric mental state often achieved by self-actualizing individuals.[1] The concept was originally developed by Abraham Maslow in 1964, who describes peak experiences as "rare, exciting, oceanic, deeply moving, exhilarating, elevating experiences that generate an advanced form of perceiving reality, and are even mystic and magical in their effect upon the experimenter."[2][3] There are several unique characteristics of a peak experience, but each element is perceived together in a holistic manner that creates the moment of reaching one’s full potential.[4] Peak experiences can range from simple activities to intense events;[5][6] however, it is not necessarily about what the activity is, but the ecstatic, care-free feeling that is being experienced during it.[7]

development hell or development limbo

.......奧斯卡大片的劇本經常被磨十年以上,英文說 "in development hell", 受過奧斯卡肯定的編劇也要習慣自己作品被製片再三挑剔,拿回重寫。......

Development hell - Wikipedia

Development hell or development limbo is media industry jargon for a film or other project that remains in development (often moving between different crews, scripts, or studios) without progressing to production. A filmvideo gametelevision programscreenplaycomputer program,[1] concept, or idea stranded in development hell takes an especially long time to start production, or never does. Projects in development hell are not officially cancelled, but work on them slows or stops.


Kumbaya 一詞是英語Come by here的音轉,曾是20年代的黑人靈歌,也是50年代美國人野營時喜愛的歌曲,有著和諧歡樂的含義。
Kumbaya來源於美國黑人靈歌中祈求上帝降臨的呼告,是Come by here的轉寫。成為野營主題歌之後,Kumbaya被賦予了歡聚一堂的含義。

Kumbaya - Wikipedia

Kum ba yah ("Come by Here") is a spiritual song first recorded in the 1920s. It became a standard campfire song in Scouting and summer camps and enjoyed ...
History · ‎Lyrics · ‎Recordings · ‎Melody borrowing

Urban Dictionary: kumbaya

The Kumbaya Law: In any conversation where some of the participants hold an opinion to the left of other participants, someone with the more conservative ...

blandly pious and naively optimistic
At the risk of sounding too kumbaya, I felt as if I had finally come home.