2018年1月30日 星期二

point-blank range, Alpha-Male

“No wonder his poetry made readers feel they were being shot by a revolver point-blank in the face: the loud popping sound, followed by a white flag of surrender slinking comically out of the muzzle.”

Nicanor tolerated me, at best, like a recurring hacking cough. I was never able to surmount his disappointment that I was not Allen Ginsberg.

近距離平射射程英語:point-blank range)是指一個射擊者得以直接射中目標而不需瞄準的距離。武器的近距離平射射程會根據該武器的外彈道特徵、所選取的目標而有所不同。目標一定,擁有較平軌道的武器的近距離平射射程會更遠。武器一定,目標較大時,其射程也會更遠。[1]

