2018年1月28日 星期日

shithole v SUPERBUG, virulent bacteria

Jay-Z calls Trump's 's***hole countries' remark 'hurtful' | Daily Mail Online

21 hours ago - 'Trump is a SUPERBUG': Jay-Z slams the President for his 'hurtful' 's***hole countries' remark as he compares him to virulent bacteria... and the hip hop mogul admits he doesn't expect a White House invite anytime soon. Jay-Z called Trump's 's***hole countries' remark 'hurtful' but not surprising; He said ...

Definitions: A bacterial pathogen is usually defined as any bacterium that has the capacity to cause disease. Its ability to cause disease is called pathogenicity.Virulence provides a quantitative measure of the pathogenicity or the likelihood of causing disease.Oct 24, 2017

不甘被稱為「超級細菌」 川普反擊嘻哈天王

美國總統川普日前一番被指歧視非洲人的「屎坑國」(shithole countries)言論餘波未了,如今還引發他與嘻哈天王Jay Z的隔空罵戰。


