Lafayette Anticipations – Fondation d'entreprise Galeries Lafayette is a general interest foundation that provides international creators, stemming from the fields of contemporary art, design and fashion , made-to-measure conditions to produce, ...
巴黎拉法葉葉基金會( Lafayette Anticipation),是拉法葉百貨創立,位於巴黎瑪黑區,由荷蘭建築師 Rem Koolhaas 操刀,在古蹟建築,受限於法規保護,克服空間限制,樓板以昇降貨梯方式,創造彈性展示空間。
剛開館一年,目前展出的是德國雕塑家Katinka Bock 的作品,她以漢諾威地標報業大樓的銅瓦包覆雕塑品,銅會隨時間氧化,呈現出不同的光澤,
反映時光的流逝與留下的蹤蹟。Bock 長於思考時間對歷史、社會與政治的影響。
反映時光的流逝與留下的蹤蹟。Bock 長於思考時間對歷史、社會與政治的影響。
這件作品原型是小一號的陶土雕塑,在漢諾威首展時,當地報紙以斗大標題評論 “ 現實被掏空的心是否源於過去的失序? ”
As with most pleasures, it's not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable.
The postponement of the film's sequel has held cinemagoers in eager anticipation for several months.
in anticipation (of)
- The audience waited in great anticipation, but nothing happened.
- The city was filled with anticipation in the weeks before the festival.
- We stood on the platform in anticipation, only to be told that the train was cancelled.
- The children jumped up and down in anticipation as the presents were produced.
- After months of anticipation, the holiday was a bit of a disappointment actually.
anticipation | アメリカ英語辞典
The effects of age, gender, region of residence, health, education, income and control beliefs on the number of gain anticipations were analysed by linear regression.
The two most used types were anticipations and deictics.