2019年11月16日 星期六

witness intimidation.Witness tampering

Ex-Envoy to Ukraine ‘Devastated’ as Trump Vilified Her
Ex-Envoy to Ukraine ‘Devastated’ as Trump Vilified Her
As Marie Yovanovitch testified, President Trump tweeted insults at her, drawing charges of witness intimidation.

Witness tampering is the act of attempting to alter or prevent the testimony of witnesses within criminal or civil proceedings. Laws regarding witness tampering also apply to proceedings before the U.S. Congress, executive departments, and administrative agencies. To be charged with witness tampering in the United States, the attempt to alter or prevent testimony is sufficient. There is no requirement that the intended obstruction of justice be completed.[1]
In situations where intimidation or retaliation against witnesses is likely (such as cases involving organized crime), witnesses may be placed in witness protection to prevent suspects or their colleagues from intimidating or harming them.
In the United Kingdom, witness intimidation is covered by Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, section 51. Under this act it is an offence to perform an act which is intended to and does intimidate a person who the offender knows or believes to be involved with a criminal case with the intention of disturbing the proceedings.

United States[edit]

In the United States, the crime of witness tampering in federal cases is defined by statute at 18 U.S.C. § 1512, which defines it as "tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant." The punishment for such an offense is up to 20 years if physical force was used, attempted, or threatened. The tampering need not have actually been successful in order for it to be criminal.
One of the better known cases involving Section 1512 is Arthur Andersen LLP v. United States, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in May 2005. The Supreme Court ruled that Section 1512 had been misinterpreted by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and reversed the decision of the lower court which had found the firm guilty of violating the section. The issue had, to some extent, become moot, because in 2002 the firm had all but dissolved as a result of prosecution on this criminal charge.
Notable people in the United States convicted of witness tampering include former South Dakota state legislator Ted Klaudt,[2] political operative Roger Stone,[3] real estate developer Charles Kushner,[4] and Nine Trey Gangsters figure Laron Spicer.[5]
聯合王國《 1994年刑事司法和公共秩序法》第51 涵蓋了對證人的恐嚇。在該法令下,意圖是意圖並確實恐嚇罪犯知道或相信與之有關的人,即屬犯罪。旨在干擾訴訟程序的刑事案件。


在美國,聯邦法規中的證人篡改罪由18 USC§1512的 法規定義,將其定義為“篡改證人,受害者或告密者”。如果使用,企圖或威脅使用武力,對此類罪行的處罰最高為20年。篡改實際上並不一定是成功的,以使其成為犯罪。
涉及第1512條的最知名案件之一是2005年5月美國最高法院裁定的Arthur Andersen LLP訴美國案。最高法院裁定第五巡迴上訴法院對第1512條作了誤解,並撤銷了該裁決。判定違反該條的堅定罪行的下級法院的成員。在某種程度上,這個問題變得毫無意義,因為在2002年,該公司由於對這一刑事指控的起訴而幾乎全部解散。
在美國,因證人篡改而被定罪的知名人士包括前南達科他州立議員特德·克勞特Ted Klaudt)[2]政治執行官羅傑·斯通Roger Stone)[3]房地產開發商查爾斯·庫什納Charles Kushner[4]9名Trey Gangsters人物拉倫·斯派塞(Laron Spicer)。[5]

