2019年11月22日 星期五


Richard Waters: If only certain online audiences receive particular commercial offers, or are exposed to certain job openings, then it could threaten social equity.

Microtargeting, often used by political parties and election campaigns includes direct marketing datamining techniques that involve predictive market segmentation (aka cluster analysis). It is used by the United States Republican and the Democratic political parties, as well as candidates to track individual voters and identify potential supporters. The term "microtargeting" was coined in 2002 by political consultant Alexander P. Gage.[1][2]
They use various means of communication such as direct mail, phone calls, home visits, television, radio, web advertising, email, and text messaging, among others,to communicate with voters, crafting messages to build support for fundraising, campaign events, volunteering, and eventually to turn them out to the polls on the election day. Microtargeting's tactics rely on transmitting a tailored message to a subgroup of the electorate on the basis of unique information about that subgroup.


