2019年11月30日 星期六

【# On Language 國際週報】001: Friendsgiving. shtick

  【#  On Language 國際週報】001

•每日一詞:Shtick,喜劇演員的獨特表演風格。亞當·桑德勒是美國著名喜劇明星。近期,時報雜誌以“ Adam Sandler's Everlasting Shtick ”為題,對他進行了長篇報導。 Shtick指喜劇演員的表演特色,與中文裡的梗、笑點,以及英文中的punch line(指相聲中的包袱、妙語)類似。
shtickLine breaks: shtick
Pronunciation: /ʃtɪk /

(also schtick)

Definition of shtick in English:


1gimmickcomic routine, style of performanceetc.associated with a particular person:there are many great comics who have based theirstand-up shtick on observational comedyher shtick was to haul out her pet ferret
1.1A person’s special talentinterest, or area ofactivity:movies about ordinary women who doextraordinary things—that’s my shtick


1960s: Yiddish, from German Stück 'piece'.

The celebration of Thanksgiving dinner with your friends. This usually occurs on the Wednesday before or the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, since Thanksgiving is usually reserved for family gatherings.
"Hey guys, bring over your family leftovers to my house on the Friday after Thanksgiving to celebrate Friendsgiving!"

First Use of Friendsgiving

Friendsgiving seems to be a relatively recent word. The earliest print uses of it that we've found so far date back to 2007,...

