2016年6月14日 星期二


我那本很不成熟的英文書《傅斯年》,當年有一個閱讀評論說,傅斯年使他想起1940年代的路易斯•納米爾(Lewis Namier)在英國提出的taking mind out of history(趙尋注:原句應為“taking ideas out of history”,“把心性從歷史拿走”作為傅斯年的理解固然不錯,但Namier的意思是排除歷史中的“觀念”影響以作客觀研究。)。納米爾活著的時候,是英國最有名的史學家之一,提倡群體學(Prosopographical Study)的研究,就是把大群人、上億人做群體學的研究。這個字是非常難懂的,我也是看Lawrence Stone(勞倫斯•斯通)的文章才知道,這是文藝復興的一個字,後來被Lewis Namier和Lawrence Stone復活了的一種Prosopographical Study(人學研究)、一種群體學。所以,他認為個人、尤其個人的內在世界對歷史研究是不好的,所以要taking mind out of history(從歷史中拿掉)。----王汎森 | 反思二十世紀史學研究中的"人"和"事"

 "multiple career-line analysis (as the social scientists call it)", Lawrence Stone remarked, in "Prosopography", Daedalus 100.1 (1971), pp 46–71.

In historical studiesprosopography is an investigation of the common characteristics of a historical group, whose individual biographies may be largely untraceable, by means of a collective study of their lives, in multiple career-line analysis.[1] Prosopographical research has the goal of learning about patterns of relationships and activities through the study of collective biography; it collects and analyses statistically relevant quantities of biographical data about a well-defined group of individuals. This makes it a valuable technique for studying many pre-modern societies.


British historian Lawrence Stone (1919–1999) brought the term to general attention in an explanatory article in 1971.[2] The word is drawn from the figure of prosopopeia in classical rhetoric, introduced by Quintilian, in which an absent or imagined person is figured forth—the "face created" as the Greek suggests—in words, as if present.
Stone noted two uses of prosopography as a historians' tool: first, in uncovering deeper interests and connections beneath the superficial rhetoric of politics, in order to examine the structure of the political machine; and second, in analysing the changing roles in society of particular status groups—holders of offices, members of associations—and assessing social mobility through family origins and social connections of recruits to those offices or memberships. "Invented as a tool of political history," Stone observed, "it is now being increasingly employed by the social historians."[3]



In a prosopographical manner; as regards prosopography.



