2018年6月29日 星期五

Floppy disks? Fax machines? Beanie Babies? Beepers? Or Blockbuster?

In a video message to President Donald J. Trump, Arnold Schwarzenegger mocks his attempts to "rescue the coal industry" and asks what he'll bring back next. "Floppy disks? Fax machines? Beanie Babies? Beepers? Or Blockbuster?" https://cnn.it/2MwcHzl

Beanie Babies - Wikipedia

Beanie Babies are a line of stuffed animal plush toys created by Ty Warner, who founded Ty Inc.. The toys are stuffed with plastic pellets ("beans") rather than conventional soft stuffing (PVC and PE), givingBeanie Babies a flexible feel.
豆豆娃Beanie Babies,也常稱為豆豆公仔)是一種使用豆狀PVC(聚氯乙烯)材料作為填充物的絨毛玩具,最早是由美國人哈洛德·泰·華納(Harold Ty Warner)與他所創設的Ty公司(Ty Inc.)發明生產,並且在1996年尾開始在歐美地區掀起一股非常驚人的收藏、交易與炒作旋風。雖然華納宣稱他擁有「Beanie Babies」的名稱權利與這類內填豆粒玩偶的技術專利,但仍然阻止不了坊間陸續出現的許多仿效或甚至仿冒豆豆娃而做出的玩偶商品。

Sorry, Collectors, Nobody Wants Your Beanie Babies Anymore - WSJ

https://www.wsj.com/.../sorry-collectors-nobody-wants-your-beanie-... -
2018/02/21 - Someone had left behind dozens of Beanie Babies in a box in the basement. Clubbie Beanie Baby. The 28-year-old took to eBay , Reddit and Instagram, and concluded the small stuffed animals, a craze from the 1990s, will ...

