2018年6月18日 星期一

shell shock, battle fatigue, Combat stress reaction (CSR)

  • 音節báttle fatìgue
  1. 〔精神医学〕 戦闘疲労,戦争神経症
    ◆combat fatigue [neurosis],shell shock ともいう.

Combat stress reaction (CSR) is a term used within the military to describe acute behavioral disorganization seen by medical personnel as a direct result of the trauma of war. Also known as "combat fatigue" or "battle neurosis", it has some overlap with the diagnosis of acute stress reactionused in civilian psychiatry. It is historically linked to shell shock and can sometimes precurse post-traumatic stress disorder.

Shell shock - Wikipedia

Shell shock is a term coined in World War I to describe the type of posttraumatic stress disorder many soldiers were afflicted with during the war It is a reaction to ...

  • 音節shéll shòck
  1. =battle fatigue.

shell shockの派生語

  1. shell-shocked [形容詞]
  2. shellshocked [形容詞]

