2018年6月18日 星期一

twenty questions

Times Literary Supplement

What is the first thing you wrote? ‘An Introduction to Philosophical Logic, the contract for which specified that I would receive 80 per cent of the film rights’

Twenty Questions with A. C. Grayling
Writers and thinkers take on twenty questions from the TLS, revealing their favourite books, writing habits and best advice What is your favourite book published in the past twelve months? The Darkening Age by Catherine Nixey. What subject have you found it most challenging to write about? Grief. Wh...

Twenty Questions

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Opening titles on the 20 Questions television panel show (1949–1955)
Twenty Questions is a spoken parlor game which encourages deductive reasoning and creativity. It originated in the United States and was played widely in the 19th century.[1] It escalated in popularity during the late 1940s when it became the format for a successful weekly radio quiz program.
In the traditional game, one player is chosen to be the answerer. That person chooses a subject (object) but does not reveal this to the others. All other players are questioners. They each take turns asking a question which can be answered with a simple "Yes" or "No." In variants of the game, multiple state answers may be included such as the answer "Maybe." The answerer answers each question in turn. Sample questions could be: "Is it bigger than a breadbox?" or "Can I put it in my mouth?" Lying is not allowed in the game. If a questioner guesses the correct answer, that questioner wins and becomes the answerer for the next round. If 20 questions are asked without a correct guess, then the answerer has stumped the questioners and gets to be the answerer for another round.
Careful selection of questions can greatly improve the odds of the questioner winning the game. For example, a question such as "Does it involve technology for communications, entertainment or work?" can allow the questioner to cover a broad range of areas using a single question that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". If the answerer responds with "yes," the questioner can use the next question to narrow down the answer; if the answerer responds with "no," the questioner has successfully eliminated a number of possibilities for the answer.



  • 調查問卷準備了可以用一個詞表示的答案。但是,我們不告訴受訪者。
  • 受訪者總共可以提出20個問題來指導答案。
  • 問題應該採用可以用“是”或“否”回答的形式。
  • 答案必須始終以“是”或“否”回答,不應該說謊。
  • 你也可以回答問題而不是問題。
  • 如果答案是正確的,那將是下一個。


  • 審查員初步宣布該類型。


  • Q1“它是一個生物嗎?”A“是”
  • Q2“拿著它時溫暖嗎?”A“是”
  • Q3“你能飛嗎?”“不”
  • Q4“它比我大嗎?”A“是”
  • Q5“我可以保留嗎?”“不”
  • Q6“牠吃肉嗎?”A“不”
  • Q7“它有蓬鬆的毛皮嗎?”A“不”
  • Q8“是黃色嗎?”“不”
  • Q9“它是一頭大象嗎?”A“你說得對。”








