2016年5月28日 星期六

alternative 1970

16.02. - Cohousing Community Grows Stronger in France
Tired of living alone or only seeing your neighbors for seconds in the
hall? For those who like to share, a new French trend in alternative
living may be the answer.
The DW-WORLD Article

alternative Show phonetics
noun [C]
something that is different from something else, especially from what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice:
an alternative to coffee
There must be an alternative to people sleeping on the streets.
I'm afraid I have no alternative but to ask you to leave (= that is what I have to do).

1 (US ALSO alternateAn alternative plan or method is one that you can use if you do not want to use another one:
The opposition parties have so far failed to set out an alternative strategy.
An alternative venue for the concert is being sought.

2 describes things that are considered to be unusual and which tend to have a small but enthusiastic group of people who support them:
alternative comedy

alternatively Show phonetics
used to suggest another possibility:
We could go to the Indian restaurant, or alternatively, we could try that new Italian place.


1[ATTRIBUTIVE] (Of one or more things) available as another possibility or choice:the various alternative methods for resolving disputes
1.1(Of two things) mutually exclusive:the facts fit two alternative scenarios
2Relating to activities that depart from or challenge traditional norms:an alternative lifestyle


One of two or more available possibilities:audio cassettes are an interesting alternative to readingshe had no alternative but to break the law


Some traditionalists maintain that you can only have a maximum of two alternatives, because the word alternative comes from Latin alter ‘other (of two)’) and that uses where there are more than two alternatives are wrong. Such uses are, however, normal in modern standard English. See also alternate (usage).


Mid 16th century (in the sense 'alternating, alternate'): from French alternatif-ive or medieval Latin alternativus, from Latin alternare 'interchange' (see alternate).

adj. - 兩者擇一的, 替代的, 非此即彼的, 供選擇的
n. - 選擇, 二擇一, 選擇的自由, 供選擇的東西
• alternative arrangement 交錯排列, 替代安排, 替代方案
• alternative comedy 非傳統的喜劇
• alternative energy 非傳統能源
• alternative medicine 替代藥品, 非現代西方醫學傳統的醫藥
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 二者択一, 選択, 選べるもの, 代わりになるもの, 選択肢
adj. - どちらかの, 代わりの, 二者択一の
• alternative arrangement 代案
• alternative comedy 熱狂的な支持者を持つ小演劇
• alternative energy 新エネルギー
• alternative medicine 代替医療

1. Allowing or necessitating a choice between two or more things.
a. Existing outside traditional or established institutions or systems: an alternative lifestyle. 1970
b. Espousing or reflecting values that are different from those of the establishment or mainstream: an alternative newspaper; alternative greeting cards.
3. Usage Problem. Substitute or different; other.
alternatively al•ter'na•tive•ly adv.

