2016.5 義大利高等法院判飢餓的人到商店偷食物可免罪......
Maurizio Bellacosa, a professor of criminal law at Luiss University in Italy who has often argued cases before the Court of Cassation, said that the application of that doctrine in a shoplifting case “has a certain novelty.”
意大利國際社會科學自由大學(Luiss University)刑法教授毛里奇奧·貝拉科薩(Maurizio Bellacosa)經常討論上訴法庭中的案件,他說,在商店盜竊案件中應用這一原則“確實很新奇”。
Men Are Shoplifters Too
It's not just bored, lonely women who stuff steaks under their coats.
Shoplifting costs German retailers 5 million euros a day
Germans are known more as big savers than big spenders, but according to a
new report, there's no shortage of small-time thieves.
v., -lift·ed, -lift·ing, -lifts.
To steal merchandise from a store that is open for business.
To steal (articles or an article) from a store that is open for business.
shoplifter shop'lift'er n.
shoplifting shop'lift'ing n.
Where theft hits the retail trade hardest
INDIA'S retailers suffer the highest levels of theft, according to the “Global Retail Theft Barometer” survey of 41 countries. Losses from a combination of shoplifting, worker and supplier theft, and accounting errors amounted to 3% of all retail sales. This “shrinkage” cost global retailers almost $115 billion in 2009, up by 5.9% from the previous year. Much of this increase was caused by a rise in shoplifting, particularly in America and Europe. Branded clothes and fashion accessories were the most prized items globally, with items for the car and home-improvement goods a close second. In Europe the most pilfered grocery item is luxury cooked meat.
Oxford Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary