NEC will likely outsource more production of chips as a way to ensure against a sudden drop in demand.
Sharp is building a $9 billion factory complex to make LCD panels and solar panels, and in doing so, the company is betting that keeping manufacturing in-house will give it a big competitive advantage.
Can Outsourcing Save Sony?
BusinessWeek - USA
By Kenji Hall Outsourcing isn't a word that executives in Japan like to toss around. Japan Inc. prefers to tie its fortunes to state-of-the-art factories ...
Mobile phone giant Vodafone Essar will outsource its entire IT operations to IBM India in a bid to cut costs and develop its business in India, ..
....... 學校有學生跳樓這不是第一次,平日校方極力防備而不可能完全防備。這回校長在公開信中寫,「伸出手求援的是有毅力的人,伸出手救援的人是有福賜的人。」在 鼓勵個人自救和社會互動上是誠懇的。可是一年多前,校內有關精神福利的部門才給「out source」了校外的心理管理公司,原本由自校督導的工作,現在拿出去給跨業公司處理,倒是把「福賜」讓給了別人。不過,信中也說,「自殺帶來的痛苦, 部分來自無法找出它的明確原因。」到底是學校,不會像媒體那樣,至今還是簡單又泛道德的稱之為「厭世」或「輕生」......
飼虎 聯合報╱李渝】 2007.12.21
outsource 1979
verb [I or T] 委外 外包
If a company outsources, it pays to have part of its work done by another company:
Unions are fighting a plan by universities to outsource all non-academic services.
Some companies outsource to cheaper locations to cut costs.
outsourcing Show phonetics
noun [U]
The management guaranteed that outsourcing wouldn't mean job losses.
in-houseadjective, adverb
Something that is done in-house is done within an organization or business by its employees rather than by other people:
an in-house training scheme
All our advertising material is designed in-house.