2016年5月28日 星期六

angel, angels, angel investor or business angel


Pronunciation: /ˈeɪndʒ(ə)l/ 


1A spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe:God sent an angel to talk to Gideonthe Angel of Death
1.1An attendant spirit, especially a benevolent one:there was an angel watching over meSee also guardian angel.
1.2(In traditional Christian angelology) a being of the lowest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy.
1.3(Angel)short for Hell's Angel.
2A person of exemplary conduct or virtue:women were then seen as angels or whoresI know I’m no angel
2.1Used in similes or comparisons to refer to a person’s outstanding beauty, qualities, or abilities:you sang like an angel
2.2Used in approval to a person who is kind or helpful:be an angel and let us come in
2.3Used as a term of endearment:I miss you too, angel
3(also angel investor or business angel)A person who supports a business financially, typically one who invests private capital in a small or newly established enterprise:19世紀時美國一些富豪,為了與演出百老匯演員有接觸機會,因此對百老匯戲劇投資超過了利潤的贊助金額,而稱為天使投資人(Angel Investor),直到1978年美國W. Wetzel教授引用後,正式形容支持企業籌資的投資者。
金管會主委丁克華表示,金管會研擬設立的天使基金,是規劃金融業者從盈餘中提撥1%或2%金額作為設立天使基金的資金來源,用來協助創業。 the longer it takes you to get your product into the marketplace, the longer it will be until the angels get their money back
3.1A financial backer of a theatrical production:every year we raise the money for the next season and we are always looking for an angel
4A former English coin minted between the reigns of Edward IV and Charles I and bearing the figure of the archangel Michael killing a dragon.
5(angelsinformal An aircraft’s altitude (often used with a numeral indicating thousands of feet): 1943we rendezvous at angels nine
6informal An unexplained radar echo. 1947

